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January 20, 2018

Love Saves Lives

Yesterday, 1/9/18, was the National March for Life in Washington, DC. President Donald Trump addressed the marchers. “The March for Life is a movement born out of love.  You love your families, you love your neighbors, you love our nation, and you love every child, born and unborn, because you believe that every life is sacred, that every child is a precious gift from God. We know that life is the greatest miracle of all.  We see it in the eyes of every new mother who cradles that wonderful, innocent, and glorious newborn child in her loving arms. I want to thank every person here today and all across our country who works with such big hearts and tireless devotion to make sure that parents have the care and support they need to choose life.  Because of you, tens of thousands of Americans have been born and reached their full, God-given potential — because of you. You’re living witnesses of this year’s March for Life theme.  And that theme is: Love saves lives.” (President Donald J. Trump)1

“Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love” (1 John 4:8; ESV)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

  1. Are you able to choose life completely? Do any societal concepts push up against your understanding of what the Bible says? Talk with God about these things and where His love comes in.

  2. Are you able to love those who have aborted their children, as well as loving those who choose life?

  3. If you have had an abortion or helped someone attain one, have you fully forgiven yourself? If not, bring it to the cross now and let God fully love you, and heal your heart and mind. In Him, forgiveness is yours when you repent.

  4. Intercede for God’s love for every unborn child to sweep across the hearts of this nation.

A prayer you can pray:

Lord, show me my heart toward life from the moment of conception. Are there any places where I would compromise Your Word, because of my compassion for the women involved? Let’s talk this through until my heart lines up with Your Word. Am I walking in any area of judgement against those who have aborted their children? Forgive me. Help me love them as deeply as I love those who choose life. (If you participated in an abortion: Forgive me for my complicity in any abortion. I didn’t understand at the time that love stands strong for life. Let Your loving forgiveness for me heal my heart and mind.) Jesus, pour Your love for every pre-born child through the hearts of many people across the nation and make this a nation that chooses life! Amen.

Today’s decree:

I decree that this nation chooses God’s love and life!

Find out more about President Trump here.


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