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January 2, 2018

Zoe in Hi Def

I recently pulled up behind a car with a license plate reading 222ZHD. I felt my spirit leap and I knew it was a message from the Lord. I immediately knew what the 222 stood for. Isaiah 22:22 has become a very meaningful verse for me, as my calling relates to this nation. It says, “You’ll open doors that no one can shut and shut doors that no one can open.” But, I wasn’t sure about the ZHD, until I asked the Lord about it. He said, “It’s Zoe Hi Def.” Zoe is the Greek word for “life” – life sustained by God. Hi Def is a term describing very sharp, clear sound or images. If you put this together, God was saying, “God’s Life is about to be poured out clearly and vibrantly across this nation, and the enemy will not be able to stop its effect! His Church will hear His voice with a new degree of accuracy, so it can stop the enemy in his tracks!”

“I’ll place on his shoulder the key to the house of David—what he opens, no one will shut, and what he shuts, no one will open.” (Isaiah 22:22; ISV)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

  1. Ask God to help you hear Him more clearly in 2018.

  2. Ask Him for a greater faith to believe what He tells you to pray about. Expect answers!

  3. In 2018, believe God for a significant shift in unity in the Body of Christ, for another step forward in the ending of abortion, for real healing of the racial divide, for more exposure and arrests of those involved in sex trafficking and child pornography rings. Make Isaiah 22:22 declarations after listening carefully to God’s Hi Def directions!

A prayer you can pray:

Father, open my ears to hear Holy Spirit in Hi Def this year! Give me prayers to pray that the enemy cannot oppose and give me the faith to believe that the answers are imminent! Let me start by asking You to answer the prayer of Jesus and grant us greater unity in the Body of Christ. God, show the Church how to pray to end abortion in America. Show us how to heal the racial divide. I want clear direction to intercede until every sex trafficking ring and child pornography ring is exposed, with the victims freed and the participants brought to trial. Thank you, Jesus! Amen.

Today’s decree:

I decree that the Church is going to shift things as we live a Hi Def Christian life in the U.S.A. this year!


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