Limping or Leaping
I want to talk about a limp. In 1 Kings 18, Elijah assembled the people on Mount Carmel in what was to be an epic showdown between God and the false gods Israel was following at the time. Elijah says, “‘How long will you halt between two opinions? If the Lord is God, follow him; but if Baal is God, follow him.’ But the people said nothing.” The word for “waver”, or “halt”, there is also the word for “limp”. It’s a word that means “to hop” or “to leap”. It is a good picture word for “hesitate”, because you kind of leap backward and forward mentally, and maybe even physically, while you try to decide something. I like this definition—it’s the word for “Passover”. The spirit of death leapt over the homes with the blood of the lamb on the lintels of the doors.
The Lord was saying in 1 Kings 18, “Why are you hesitating about Who you believe in? You should be dancing the dance of rejoicing over the Passover. You should be remembering and dancing and singing, ‘The horse and the rider have been thrown into the sea!’ But, you are limping the limp of Baal.” Listen to me. We are in that same place in America. You need to get up and remember who you are and who He is and start to decree out of a place of rejoicing faith, no longer halting, but sure! You need to decree some things out of existence and decree some things into existence. You need to uproot some things and plant some things. You need to establish the root of His Glory! By Passover of this year, you are going to dance the dance of victory over your enemies!
“Elijah stepped forward before all the people and said, ‘How long are you going to jump back and forth between two positions? If Adonai is God, follow him; but if it’s Ba‘al, follow him!’ The people answered him not a word.” (1 Kings 18:21; CJB)
Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:
Remember the times in your life when He has saved you.
Let praise rise up from you. Let your words of praise, such as, “The horse and the rider were thrown into the sea,” rise up from your lips.
What are the things you are contending for now? Decree and declare that God will come through for you!
Say over the impeachment drama, “President Trump will be delivered from any false attack of his enemies!”
Say over the situation in Iran, “The Iranian government will make right the downing of the Ukranian flight with 176 people on board.”
Declare, “This latest conflict will result in the Iranian people being set free to worship the Lord freely!” Christians have been worshipping underground and have been persecuted for their faith.
Say, “Iran will not attack the Iranian people demonstrating. Lord, set the Iranian people free!”
A prayer you can pray:
Father, You are able to take a terrible tragedy and make something beautiful out of it. You are the God of the turnaround. You are the one that turns death to life and darkness to light. We have a decision to make. We need to come to a deeper place of faith were we determine afresh that You are God and there is no other. Jesus, You are the Savior and there is no other way to the Father. No false gods of false religions ever deserves our worship. You are able to deliver. You are able to work huge, nation-changing miracles, just like You did for the Israelites when You sent Moses to set them free in Egypt. We won’t doubt it!
We are coming through a major tragedy in Iran. We were seemingly perched on the brink of World War III. However, the underground church cried out in Iran and Believers cried out in the U.S. and other places in the world, and You brought peace and calm into this ongoing tragedy. Lord, one of the awful things that happened was the downing of a Ukrainian jet with 176 men, women, and children on it. They were trying to flee the dangerous situation there and ended up victims, instead. Iran says they shot the jet down, but that it was an accidental and tragic mistake. This is a country led by those in a religious structure that demands retribution for such things. So, Lord, we are praying that Iran honors its ways and makes this right for the families that are suffering today.
This has also brought Iranians into the streets to protest the actions of their government. Many are not happy with their government’s response. Let their voices be heard and honored. Use this series of events to bring a freedom to the people of Iran. Set the Church there free to share the Gospel openly. We praise You and say, “You are God and worthy to be praised over this situation!”
Today’s decree:
We will not halt between two opinions. God is God and there is no other. He will deliver His people! He is our Deliverer!