Hearings for a New Attorney General
Today will conclude scheduled Senate hearings for President Trump’s pick for a new attorney general, the head of the nation’s highest legal office. The nominee is William Barr. He knows the job, as he served as attorney general under President H.W. Bush from 1991 to 1993. He is a conservative, but he doesn’t always agree with President Trump’s policies. It appears that in this position, the president is not looking for a yes-man, but one who will consider the rule of law and follow it. Let us also be praying for Senator Lindsey Graham, who will be chairing the committee. Here is a list of all of the Judiciary Committee members to include in your intercession. After today, voting will take place, so this is a key day to pray. Watch the news. Do some research. Pray.
“Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand.” (Proverbs 19:21; ESV)
Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:
Ask God for the United States to have an Attorney General of His choice.
Pray for William Barr and his family, regardless of the outcome.
Intercede for Senator Lindsey Graham, as he chairs the Senate Judiciary Committee. Pray that he can keep things on track and keep emotions level.
Do some research, then pray for each Senator on the committee as the Lord leads.
Pray against any “grand-standing” by those on the committee who are running for political office.
A prayer you can pray:
Father, we know You are intimately involved in every aspect of what is going on in America right now. You know what it will take to shift this nation and there is no room for wrong decisions about the major players. You are correcting our justice system, from the Supreme Court, to the placing of other federal judges, to this vacancy in the attorney general’s office. We want the right person for the job and we will contend for that one. We pray for William Barr. We bless him and his family and pray that you would keep them from the kind of hearing Justice Kavanaugh endured. Let Senator Lindsey Graham have success at keeping the committee on task. The world is watching how we are conducting business. We ask for truth to prevail and that every lie comes quickly into the light to be dispelled, regardless of the source. Don’t let anyone running for president or re-election use this hearing as their launchpad. In Jesus’ name, we ask for Your intervention. Amen.
Today’s decree:
The Attorney General of the United States of America shall be a person of God’s own choosing!