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January 1, 2018

The Year the Harvest is Ripe!

We are not just moving into a new year. We are moving into a new era! We are moving into a season of evangelism such as the world has never seen! We could see more saved in the next 20 years than in the last 2000 years, combined. We are going to see a tidal wave of evangelism. I believe we could see a billion souls saved worldwide in this era. The Lord is saying, “I’m going to pour the Father’s Glory out on the entire nation. I am going to pour My Zoe life out on this nation!” This life will be manifested in notable miracles, drawing the lost to Him.

“Then another angel came from the Temple and shouted to the one sitting on the cloud, ‘Swing the sickle, for the time of harvest has come; the crop on earth is ripe.’” (Revelation 14:15; NLT)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

• Get out your Bible and research verses on the harvest and evangelism. • Pray into those verses and begin to decree and prophesy them into the earth. • Call for the salvation of all of your own as-yet-unsaved loved ones to be harvested into the Kingdom. • Intercede for the salvation of a whole people group – the elderly, the young, Native American, Jewish, Muslim, Ethiopian, Asian, etc. • Ask for the reaping of the harvest in your state. • Determine to look for opportunities to share the Gospel with the unsaved as often as possible this year.

A prayer you can pray:

Lord, I will begin my prayer time today in Your Word, searching out scriptures on the harvest and on evangelism. Wow! What a year this is going to be. I align my faith for evangelism with the Word of the Lord through the prophets – this is the year the great harvest begins! I will decree your Word and I will look for opportunities to introduce the lost to You. Save my family members (name them.) Save (choose a people group. Intercede for them as Holy Spirit leads you to.) God, release the harvest of souls in (name your state.) Thrust me into the harvest fields, Jesus! Amen.

Today’s decree:

I decree that the harvest fields of the earth are ripe and the great harvest of souls is beginning!


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