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February 3, 2025

The Great Architect

In Acts 3:21, we find the phrase “Times of restitution” (KJV). The word “times” is chronos,(1) meaning a general time or season; “restitution” is apokatistasis.(2) A better translation of this word in today’s vocabulary would be “reconstitute” or “restore.” The concept is restoring something to its original intent, purpose, or condition. It is a medical term used in Scripture only by Christ’s disciple, Dr. Luke, who wrote the book of Acts. The note in the Passion Translation says this medical term meant “Restoration to perfect health.

Another word we often use in the context of restoring something is “reformation.” In Scripture, this word is diorthosis(3) (Hebrews 9:10), meaning to straighten something crooked; to cause that which has fallen or is leaning to stand straight, even upright again. Diorthosis, like apokatistasis in Acts 3:21, involves restoring something to its original and appropriate condition. It is important to realize that they do not simply denote change. Change can be good or bad, appropriate or inappropriate. On the other hand, these two concepts involve restoring something to its original intent, condition, and/or purpose.

America has been in a season of significant, inappropriate change for half a century. We are now moving into a time of restoration and reformation. Like a surgeon cutting out a cancer, a dentist removing an abscessed tooth, or a chiropractor twisting a body like a pretzel in order to make it straight again, America is being restored. And just as with the human body, the process can, at times, be painful. 

Surgeons, dentists, and chiropractors all hurt us to heal us. A therapist demands that we trade pain for gain. A home remodel becomes a mess before it becomes beautiful. Martin Luther’s great reformation was a giant upheaval of the religious and political world while also restoring the true gospel and liberating the people. Reformation can be challenging, complicated, and very messy, which brings me to Donald Trump and his allies.

We would do well to remember that they are not simply making a few changes. America is well past the point where that would be enough. Like it or not, we have a cancer in our culture, an abscess in our government. We are twisted and out of alignment, in drastic need of straightening. The restoration is going to hurt, and it is going to be messy.

At this point in history, America did not need a statesman. And we certainly did not need a politician. Frankly, and this will upset some of my religious friends, we did not need a peacemaker. We needed a “boat rocker,” a status quo wrecker, a business-as-usual interrupter. We are in the first part of Jeremiah 1:10; the second part is coming, but that will be a little slower: “See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant.”

Do I like everything Donald Trump says? Do I like all of his actions and attitudes? Do I like everything in his past? Of course not; that’s not why I voted for him. I voted for a reformer. And at this point, I am more interested in his willingness to face those destroying America than I am his language. I am more concerned about determination than diplomacy. I want a John the Baptist who is willing to make crooked places straight, remove mountains, and raise valleys. 

I want someone who will stare down the propaganda arm of the Democrat party, otherwise known as the mainstream media, and not be intimidated. I want someone who will build a military that is an effective war machine, not a woke machine. I want someone who will close our borders to all immigration that is not legal; someone who will demand that our education system teaches our children how to read; and someone who will stop the trans madness. I want healed children, not butchered children, common sense above Ivy League idiocy, and a Congress that can balance a checkbook. 

I want reformation. 

The progressive Left has used against us our desire for peace and “getting along.” They preach civility and spew venom; they speak of fairness while weaponizing government; they preach diversity and insist on conformity; and they speak of freedom while exerting control. For too long, those on the right have fallen prey to this hypocrisy. 

Hearing them criticize Trump, accusing him of inappropriate and insensitive statements, then listening as they sit on committees and model rudeness, character assassination, lying, and the misrepresentation of facts is both laughable and infuriating. They epitomize the evil and ugliness of the political spirit.

The Left only wants to get along in order to get ahead. They are like the female black widow spider who says to the male, “Help me multiply, then I will kill and eat you.” 

Now that America has seen what they are doing to our nation, and has elected a man with backbone enough to resist it – and who also happens to be a person they tried desperately to humiliate and destroy – the Left is terrified. They maligned his character, turned our judicial system loose on him, “sicced” our FBI on him and his followers, and defiled his home. Now, he is even more angry and determined; their hypocritical cries for civility, kindness, and compromise are falling on deaf ears. 

The progressive Left is also watching 50 years of antichrist secularization and globalism dissolve, their media lose influence with the populous, and the American people stand up and say, “Enough!” DEI is being dismantled, DOJ employees and Inspectors General are being fired, lazy employees willing to trade blind loyalty for a free ride have been served notice, and billions of dollars are being pulled from worthless and ridiculous government programs. The Left is angry and horrified. The nation they “changed” is being “reformed.” The time will soon come when America needs builders, statesmen, and peacemakers. At this time, however, we are in the demo stage. As we find the termites, mold, leaks, and cracked foundations, we can repair, reconstitute, and restore. A great revival is coming to fuel this process, also causing the desired changes to align with God’s will and ways. 

Keep appealing, church. Do not trust this process to humans, regardless of how well-intentioned they are. Keep it in the hands of the great Heavenly Architect. 

Pray with me:

Father, we know that both the political and religious worlds hated John the Baptist’s forerunner work. Jesus revealed their true hearts, pointing out that they didn’t like Him either. The truth was, they wanted a completely different Israel than John and Jesus were bringing. The progressive Left in America today doesn’t like Donald Trump, and it doesn’t like the church. We represent an America they don’t want and a Kingdom they despise. They are the Psalm 2 company that conspires against You, declaring that You will not rule over them. In this great Psalm, You offer repentance and honor toward Your son or destruction - nothing in between. 

We have no doubt that You love people enough to bring the revival and awakening we hear so much about; You love them enough not to allow the opposition of the antichrist forces to succeed. Expose their plans, tear down and demolish their structures, and destroy their systems. Use President Trump, his team, wise leaders in Congress and state governments, and righteous judges to do so. Give them wisdom, understanding, and strategic timing as they do this. Then give the same to those tasked to rebuild. Revive and reform America and let both be historic, monumental, and epochal.


In the mighty name of Yeshua, we pray. 

Our decree:

We decree that the uprooting and tearing down needed in America will be fully accomplished, followed by successful planting and rebuilding.

Click on the link below to watch the full video.


  1. James Strong, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990), ref. no. 5550.

  2. Ibid, ref. no. 605.

  3. Ibid, ref. no. 1357.


Powerful timely message!

Thanks, Dutch!


Unknown member
7 days ago

What an excellent comment on why Trump is the Lord's anointed.


7 days ago

Yes indeed, such a balm! We shall stay the course.


Unknown member
Feb 03

Thank you so much for this. It is balm to my soul and spirit.

When I was 9 years old, the Lord gave me Jeremiah’s calling, very specifically Jeremiah 1:4-10. To my 9 year old’s heart, that meant I’d be a missionary. That was almost 30 years ago, and the most that has seemed to come to fruition of that calling is that I weep a lot. However, I have felt in my spirit the time draws nigh to root up, tear down, destroy and overthrow kingdoms. And to build and to plant.

There is a time for peace, but there is also a time for war. Those who have only religious eyes but not the eyes of Issachar and…

Johnna Ingram
Johnna Ingram
7 days ago
Replying to

Very well spoken! I concur.

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