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February 3, 2020

It’s a New Era

“2020 is significant in that it is literally a new era. One of the words God has given is that we’re going to grow into our own skin. What do I mean by that? We’re going to grow into the purpose of God that He has for us. It’s time to intentionally say: What is my purpose, where am I going in life, and how do I achieve that? And how do I come into conversion – a place where our full gifts and our full abilities are used? It’s a very exciting season.

“Of course, it will be a challenging season as well. Any time you’re going to a new level – we used to say, ‘New levels, new devils’ – there will be some resistance. Think about going into the Promised Land, how there was resistance and there were giants that met them when they went into the Promised Land. If you’ve heard me speak very much, you know what I say: If you’re going into your Promised Land (your purpose, your destiny, what God has for you), and you’re not having any pushback (there are no giants in the land), then you’re not going in the right direction. There will be Jerichos to take, so there will be battles, but it’s going to be exciting. When you’re going the way the Lord has for you, there is that surety inside of you most of the time that, ‘Wow, this is what I am made for. I’m just created to do this.’ And I believe that for you.

“All of you are listening to this, and we want to give you hope for your future. Maybe you’ve gone through terrible times of loss, terrible times when you feel like you’ve had setbacks, but I want to say to you: believe God. Believe God that He does have something wonderful for you, no matter how many things have happened to you, how much loss. I think many of us in the past few years have lost family members; there are things that have happened to us that we didn’t want to happen. Sometimes it can make us feel out of control. But this is a year where we are literally starting, not only a new decade, but a new era.” (Cindy Jacobs)

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9; NIV)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

  1. If you’re facing challenges and pushback from the enemy, rejoice!

  2. Lift up your head and praise! The enemy has noticed that God is with you and what you are doing.

  3. Ask the Lord to renew His Word to you, to encourage you, and remind you of His love and commitment to you.

  4. Tell your Jericho walls to fall!

  5. Intercede for the impeachment trial and command it to end positively for America, and fall into the dust of history.

A prayer you can pray:

God, the enemy hits me so hard sometimes that I literally forget that usually means I am on the right track! Satan hates You and Your people doing Your will. He hates it when he can’t stop what You are doing! He is not going to sit there quietly and let us take territory he wants. So, I will lift up my face and look for You, the One who is my help, my fortress, and my shield. I’m fighting for You and Your purposes and the enemy hates that! He’s after me and he’s after this nation. His attack against President Trump is ridiculous! My situation seems small compared to that. Lord, stop the enemy’s disruption of the governing of this nation. Let our President go! Let our Senators go! Let Your will come to pass now! Let the walls of impeachment fall today! We are done with this. Enough! In the mighty Name of Jesus, we pray. Amen.

Today’s decree:

The giants we face simply show us we are headed in the right direction!


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