Finding Our Identity in Him
God wanted me to be a student of the Word, a teacher, and a writer. I had to be the kind of person who could spend long hours alone, not needing a lot of outgoing, social life. He knew I would live a lot of my life on flights and in hotel rooms. He knew I would study for hours and hours, and write for hours and hours. So, He created me with a personality that is okay with that. I enjoy the quiet and the solitude. I would much rather be off by myself studying than engaging in chit-chat. Chit-chatty people are strange to me, but my quietness may seem strange to you! Doesn’t matter. It’s what God wanted.
If God had not dealt with the thing in me driving myself to clown around in large groups trying to be accepted, I would never have shifted into who I really am. Maybe I would have spent my entire life trying to meet a need in me to get people to like me, and missed who I really am. That’s a scary thought to me. I want to be who I am. I want to be free to be who God made me to be.
Hear me. This is a completely different way of dealing with identity issues than you may have been taught. There is nothing psychological in this. This is spiritual warfare at its root. Not knowing the love Jesus has for you is an open door for the enemy to come in with all kinds of fears. And he will twist and turn and cause your brain to think like he wants you to think about yourself, until you don’t even know who you are. You will find yourself working very hard in some way just to survive. Satan will steal your identity, kill your true self, and destroy your destiny. This will eventually keep us from sharing the Gospel in the realms of influence He created us for.
“Love has no fear, because perfect love expels all fear. If we are afraid, it is
for fear of punishment, and this shows that we have not fully experienced his perfect love.” (1 John 4:18; NLT)
Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:
Declare, “I want to know Your perfect love for me, Lord! I want to be confident in Your love for me.”
Say, “Your perfect love for me drives out all fear, which the enemy uses to keep me from knowing who I really am in You.”
Decree, “Whom the Son sets free is free indeed!”
Intercede for the Bride of Christ, the army of the living God. Intercede for a fresh revelation of His love, such that all fear to share the Gospel falls away.
Pray for great, massive outpourings of His love in revivals across the nation.
A prayer you can pray:
Father, I need to know Your perfect love for me. I struggle when I cannot feel You and feel like I cannot find You. I want to know Your perfect love for me, Lord! I want to be confident in Your love for me. Your perfect love for me drives out all fear, which the enemy uses to keep me from knowing who I really am in You. I want to know who I am, so I can do what You created me to do. I want to be perfectly positioned by You in the career or other place You have designed me to be. Let’s get to work on any hindrances. Whom the Son sets free is free indeed!
You reveal Yourself to the Church through Your Holy Spirit and through Your Word. Make these our deepest friends. Make our hearts long for You in the pages of Your Book. Where we resist You, love us into wholeness. We can help each other become whole and get going in the right direction. We will share Your Gospel more boldly, if we are confident of Your love. Let great massive revivals of Your love sweep across America, Jesus. Amen.
Today’s decree:
Knowing how perfectly God loves us will remove all our fear, draw us to Jesus, and will release the true identity of the Church!