Whirlpools and Keys
“’I am creating a whirlpool. Things are beginning to bubble in a way they have never bubbled to the surface before. Things are beginning to be rearranged. In the midst of the rearrangement, the new will begin. Do not look the way you have seen in the past, but look at the way the I begin to rearrange and bring My order in. I say keys will begin to fall from heaven throughout this entire land. There will be a ring of keys in days ahead, and from that I will begin unlocking pools of healing from the land. I say to you that whirlpools and redoing of the land begins. You have endured until now. Watch My hand now begin to move,’ sayeth the Lord.” (Chuck Pierce, 2/22/18, The Turnaround)1
“Words bubble up from waters deep within a person; a stream gushes from the fountain of wisdom.” (Proverbs 18:4; VOICE)
Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:
Whirlpools suck things in and spit things out and spin things around. Decree that God’s whirlpool that will rearrange America is spinning.
Watch carefully now. Commit to watch and decree what God tells you to decree. Say, “God is rearranging the government of America. It will not look like anything we have expected. Behold, He is doing a new thing!”
See His Isaiah 22:22 keys in your hand. Decree that the healing of the land is being unlocked. Decree that healing of the water is being unlocked. Decree the healing pools to be uncovered. Decree that even new healing products from the land and water will be created. Continue to pray as He gives you revelation.
Ask God to encourage His Ekklesia, refresh the battle weary, dust us off and stand us up again. Ask for new vision and creativity to be downloaded from on high to the Church. Thank Him for the new!
A prayer you can pray:
Father, we don’t have to understand what You are saying through the prophets, we must simply believe them. So, we grab hold of the Word of the Lord and decree it over America. Your whirlpool is forming and rearranging what has been into what You need for the future. Your Ekklesia will gather ourselves and decree Your decrees without natural expectation. We will watch for what You are forming, for You are forming what is needed for the future of this land. You are healing the land at a deeper level. You are healing the waters and they will become healing waters. Refresh Your people! Give creativity to Your Body. Heal our land, Jesus! Amen.
Today’s decree:
God’s whirlpool is spinning and words of decree are forming. From these fountains of wisdom a new arranging of God’s purposes for this land is being released!