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February 11, 2018

He Keeps His Promises

The root of the Appeal to Heaven message is a dream where I was boxing and took down 5 giants with 2 gloves. The gloves had written on them “Everlast” and “Evergreen”. The message was that we would take down the giants in the land as we call on everlasting God and remember our covenant with Him, depicted by an evergreen tree. We are to remember the ability of God and His heart to maneuver us through the weaknesses, the hard times, the failures, and still bring us out on the other side into our destiny. If you can believe it, God is bigger than the sins of this nation and the failures of this nation, even today. He’s going to bring revival into this nation, not because of who we are, but because of who He is and because of the covenant promises He has made to this nation.

“Then Abraham planted a tamarisk tree in Beersheba, and there called on the name of the Lord, the Everlasting God.” (Genesis 21:33; NKJV)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

  1. Worship Him for He never forgets covenants that He has made, even if we forget.

  2. Decree that God is bigger than our failures, He’s bigger than our weaknesses, He’s bigger than our mistakes, and he’ll bring us out on the other side, right into our destiny.

  3. Declare that God will hear our intercession and move to turn this nation back to Himself, because He will keep the covenant He made with our forefathers long ago.

A prayer you can pray:

Father of our nation, covenant-keeping God, we worship You! We thank You that we may walk away from You, but You never leave us. When You make a covenant, it is forever. You are always ready to guide our nation back onto Your plan. You are greater than our personal failures, weaknesses, sins, and mistakes. You are bigger than our corporate national sins and iniquities. We declare that You will hear our intercession and heal our land in accordance with Your Word! Thank you, Jesus. Amen.

Today’s decree:

We decree that God will never forget His covenant to America!


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