Enough is Enough!
There are times when the enemy is empowered and even overplays his hand, so to speak. I believe that is happening today in America. I saw this word of encouragement from Bobby Connor and it spoke right into this season for America. Saints, it is time to press into Him and His Glory! “The Spirit of God is fanning the flame of discontentment within the hearts of many. We can’t remain satisfied and content with our lack of power and spiritual authority; a cry of desperation must burst forth: ‘Enough is enough!’ Ask yourself this question: ‘Am I willing to pay the price to seek the Lord for promotion?’ This will be a season of swift acceleration and advancement if we put God first. We are instructed to seek the Lord while He is near (see Isaiah 55:6). We are reminded that we only find the Lord when we search with all our heart (see Jeremiah 29:12-13). If we make seeking Him and His Kingdom our top priority, He will take care of everything else (see Matthew 6:33). There is a wonderful grace offered for us to advance in the times of adversity! The invitation is extended to all saints; however, by a lack of commitment, many will disqualify themselves. This is a time to be desperate for the revealed glory of God. One of the marks of these overcomers will be hunger and complete dissatisfaction with business as usual. This holy hunger will drive us to seek the Lord on a much more increased level.” (Bobby Connor)
“Then you will call upon Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.” (Jeremiah 29:12-13; NASB)
Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:
Humble yourself before the Lord and worship Him.
Present yourself before Him and ask Him to cleanse your heart and mind. Invite His holy fire to clear away the chaff of the world so you are ready to fight His battles. This is where true spiritual authority comes from.
Consider a season of fasting and prayer soon, if you are not already fasting in this early season of the year. Dedicate a portion of time to come aside and passionately seek Him.
If you are not experiencing a deep hunger and thirst for Him, this is the time to ask Him for that. Our nation needs many hungry for God!
A prayer you can pray:
Father, I humble myself before You today. I love You and I want to love You more. I want to be burning for You (Worship Him for a bit.) I need the fire of Your Presence to come and burn away all of the thoughts and feelings I have about the things around me. I get passionate about the wrong things. I want my thoughts to line up with Yours. I want my emotions to line up with Yours. I want to love what You love and hate what You hate. I want to look around me and see as You see. Lord, I want to express Your manifest Glory in the earth everywhere that I go, and with every prayer that I pray. May the darkness around me be pushed back, because You indwell me. Let me be constantly cognizant of You. Change my worship, change my life, change my prayers, change my decrees. May all of my prayers and actions be pleasing in Your eyes, Jesus. Amen.
Today’s decree:
Enough is enough!
Learn more about Bobby Conner here.