Prophetic Countdown to 2018 – Merger!
“Previously, we had an era in which the Holy Spirit emphasized spiritual warfare. This was followed by an era in the global prayer movement that was centered more around Bridal intercession. We will now move into a convergence of Worshipping Warriors and Warring Brides. It is a time when there is a merger—between intimacy and the warrior—resulting in love motivated warfare. It is the time for those who know the Inward Journey into the secret place of God (Psalm 91) to move out into demonstrations of External Works of Power. Those walking in an Outward reach will see with greater clarity the necessity for the Upward reach. The Outward believers will be empowered by the Inward Life and the Inward will be challenged to become channels of love in practical ways. Bridal intercession is where the beauty of the Lord meets Bold Spiritual Warfare, and Valiant and Violent ones come forth.” (James Goll)1
“Certainly you will see it with your very own eyes—you will see the wicked paid back. For you have taken refuge in the Lord, my shelter, the sovereign One.” (Psalm 91:8-9; NET)
Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:
Thank the Lord for the season where He taught us to engage in spiritual warfare.
Thank the Lord for the season where we first learned to draw close in intimacy to Him.
Praise Him that He is bringing those two things together for His Bride now!
If you are more outward focused, ask Him to prompt you to more intimate moments spent with Him. Get a journal and write down what He shows you. Note the scriptures He gives you to use as a sword.
If you are more inward focused, ask Him to challenge you to become a channel of His love in practical ways to those around you. Watch for His prompting to engage the enemy in the marketplace, so that captives are set free.
Worship Him, wait, get His direction, and decree His enemy-defeating decrees over the nation at least once every day for the month of January. Start today!
A prayer you can pray:
Lord, thank You for the season where You taught Your Bride to war. Thank you for the season where You drew us into intimacy with You. Thank you that we now get to experience the melding together of the two more than ever before! (See points 4 and 5 above and pray for yourself accordingly.) Starting today and through the month of January, I will try to seek You in that place of intimacy until I hear Your strategy to war against the enemy on behalf of the U.S. Then, I will decree Your decrees and watch the enemy move out of the way of Your Kingdom advancement, Lord! Amen.
Today’s decree:
I decree that God is uniting the Worshipping Warriors and Warring Brides together to become Valiant ones violently establishing His Kingdom in this land!
1 Learn more about James Goll here.