Trump’s Jerusalem Move Is Unlocking Two Nations
Ken Malone is one of my board members and an Apostle to Florida and this nation. He wrote down key prophetic points he believes will be results of President Trump’s formal acknowledgement of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. I wanted to break our regular pattern and share them with you in full:
“On December 6, 2017, in an unprecedented move unlike any other President, Trump made a huge impact in the world recognizing Jerusalem as the Capitol of Israel. This decision will have major ramifications to America and Israel.
These are some of the things the Lord showed me about this decision from Wednesday, December 6, 2017:
Great Prosperity for both nations. The wealth and economy will increase, jobs will abound, and a grace for personal prosperity will be upon us. Take advantage of this Kairos season.
Great Holy Spirit Awakening Revival will increase. Get ready for a huge harvest of souls. America will see a great awakening. Israel will see a great increase in souls turning to Jesus Christ. There will be moves of God in schools, businesses, civil government, media, arts and entertainment. Watch for deep healing to take place in families.
Moves of God will abound. A repeat of Joel 2 and Acts 2 will become a prophetic promise fulfilled. Prophetic dreams, words, and visions will begin to once again lead the church into her victorious destiny.
There is a powerful increase coming to the apostolic and prophetic gifts. Watch as apostles begin moving in great signs and wonders that will glorify and magnify Jesus as Lord both in heaven and earth. In 2015 the Lord showed me that at the end of the Obama administration the apostles will come to the platform. The timing of this is being demonstrated now by this bold move of President Trump. Trump carries an apostolic mantle. Apostles, it’s time to move in great grace and great power as they did in Acts 4:33. Be bold and exercise your authority.
Momentum is at a new high for the body of Christ. You can now do things that were not possible a year ago. Engage in your God-strategy to move forward into your God-destiny.
There is now great momentum in intercession. A great victory was won on December 6, 2017, because of your prayers. This is the day of the intercessor. Intercessors, you are being called up again into a higher level of intercession. Pastors, begin giving your intercessors a greater place of authority in your church. You need them to go to the next level—you won’t get to the next level without them. Remember, Jesus was and is an intercessor.
Protection for our America will come back upon the land. For years, we have lost some of our protection. This will begin to return.
Anti-Christian and Anti-Semitism will increase! A great increase of persecution of both Christians and Jews will be seen. This will be at a level we have not seen before. Do not fear the works of the enemy—our God will fight for us!
Elijah, Elisha, and Jehu clashes with the demons of Baal and Jezebel will increase. Do not fear. Great boldness and strength is coming on the church to contend and defeat these principalities.
The media will increase in evil. God will continue to expose the media and the spirit behind it will become weaker as the Lord deals with this part of our society.”1
“With great power the apostles gave witness to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and God poured rich blessings on them all.” (Acts 4:33; GNT)
Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:
Decree each of the points above. Intercede them into being!
1 Learn more about Ken Malone here.