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August 8, 2017

God IN the Schools

We have to start decreeing that God is welcome in our schools. We have to believe that court decisions, such as the 1964 Engel v Vitale Supreme Court decision, cannot keep GOD out of the schools. Have we forgotten who He is?! I have seen that in the classrooms and on the playgrounds of our schools, miracles are going to take place. Even in our kindergartens, God is going to move supernaturally, as small children are going to pray for somebody in the Name of Jesus and a sign and a wonder is going to occur that rocks the whole school.

“Jesus looked at them intently and said, “Humanly speaking, it is impossible. But with God everything is possible.” (Matthew 19:26; NLT)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

  1. Realize the ridiculousness of trying to keep God out of America’s schools!

  2. Decree that no act of man can keep God out of our classrooms or gymnasiums or football fields, not even U. S. Supreme Court decisions.

  3. Tell Him that He is welcome and we want Him and need Him to visit our schools!

  4. Decree the rising of a massive student-led Holy Spirit movement that will lead thousands into the Kingdom.

  5. Decree the outpouring of the supernatural and miracles on our campuses from kindergarten through college!

A prayer you can pray:

We say that You, God, are coming to the schools of America. You are not bound by the 1964 ruling of Engel v Vitale that says You are not allowed in our schools. You are not bound by that. You are allowed in schools. You are welcome and we want You! Whether You do it through the teachers or through the students, You are coming to the schools of America. We decree an outpouring of Holy Spirit into the classrooms, into the gymnasiums, into the sports arenas. We decree student movements are going to rise up. Bible studies, worship services, guitars, singing, and signs and wonders are going to take place on the campuses in America.

Today’s decree:

We decree Your power into America’s schools!


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