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August 24, 2017

Dealing With Leviathan

This nation is dealing with a Leviathan spirit. This entity is known for the severe twisting of the truth, resulting in destruction of reputations and organizations. The media is where the primary expression of this spirit is often seen. The Native Americans used to effectively battle natural leviathans – crocodiles and alligators that twist and turn to drown their prey. They would cut down a pine sapling, remove the branches, and sharpen one end into a spear. They would run at a gator and watch as its strength would become its weakness. The beast would open its mouth up as wide as it could, thinking it would swallow up the spear. But, the natives would ram that spear right down its throat, rendering it helpless, and it would eventually die.

“In that day the Lord with his hard and great and strong sword will punish Leviathan the fleeing serpent, Leviathan the twisting serpent, and he will slay the dragon that is in the sea.” (Isaiah 27:1; ESV)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

  1. Ask the Father to show you where Leviathan is at work in the media. (Do not think you know!) Ask Him to show you what is truth and what are lies.

  2. Research things you see and read about. Do not take everything at face value and do not react emotionally before you discover the truth!

  3. Choose love over hate and unity over divisiveness.

  4. Speak truth wherever possible. Speak it into the atmosphere by praying out loud. Read the Word of God out loud.

  5. Write to those in the media about truth you have found. Encourage them to check it out for themselves. Pray for them to discover the truth. Perhaps you can turn that person into a truth-teller.

A prayer you can pray:

Father, teach us how to battle Leviathan at a supernatural level. Teach us to war against this behemoth in the spirit. We are living through days where we are watching the manifestation of this spirit in the media. The truth is being twisted and manipulated this way and that in an effort to cause people to react, to hate, and to divide from one another. Put the spear of intercession in our hands and show us how to use it to bring this enemy of America and our culture down! We stand strong together and shut the accuser’s mouth by turning the Truth back upon the one twisting it for their own agenda. Thank you, Jesus. Amen.

Today’s decree:

I decree that the Church will learn to use the spear of intercession and Truth to turn back the lying Leviathan spirit from America.


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