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August 15, 2018

Lou Engle is Calling for an Esther Fast for the Courts

“Once again we find ourselves in a moment of decision concerning the U.S. Supreme Court and the potential to overturn the 1973 decree of death known as Roe v Wade. We are urging everyone who cares about the future of America to join us in a three-day Esther fast, August 18-21 (sundown to sundown). Through the years, the story of Esther has been a dominating prophetic theme for our prayer movement, understanding the Roe v Wade is not unlike Haman’s evil edict that threatened the genocide of Esther’s people. She rose up ‘for such a time as this,’ risking everything to overturn Haman’s death decree. Esther’s story is timeless in the sense that we periodically find ourselves in similar moments that demand intensified prayer and fasting for the sake of shifting circumstances. It is our conviction that America is in another Esther moment.” (Lou Engle)1

“For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?” (Esther 4:14; NIV)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

Please plan to join many thousands of others across the Body of Christ in fasting in some way for the three days from sundown 8/18 through sundown 8/21. Please seek medical advice before engaging in any fast, especially an Esther Fast, which calls for no food or water for the three days. Dutch Sheets wants your fast to be safe. Therefore, if you are able to fast on juice, fast one meal a day, fast a particular food group, or fast something like media, that is acceptable. God knows your particular situation.

  1. Ask God for grace for all of those preparing to enter this three-day fast.

  2. Prepare your heart by reading the book of Esther and praying the Word as the Holy Spirit leads you to.

  3. Worship.

A prayer you can pray:

Father, thank you for leaders like Lou Engle who help us to know how to break national strongholds. We are willing to enter this three-day Esther Fast to turn the Court and reverse Roe v Wade. We want the 1973 death decree of Roe v Wade broken off America. Show each of us the way we can safely fast to get this stronghold broken. Those who can fast as Esther fasted, grace for that. Those that must fast in a different manner due to medical needs, grace for that. Please accept the fast each is able to honor You with. Show us how to pray in preparation as we read the book of Esther. We will worship You, Lord of Life! Amen.

Today’s decree:

The 1973 death decree called Roe v Wade will be broken off the U.S.A.!

1 Learn more about Lou Engle here.


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