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August 14, 2019

Contending From and Not For

“A couple of years ago, as we were praying in the State Capital Building in Austin, Texas, the Lord released a powerful revelation to us. He declared that we were no longer contending for this place. We were now, in Him, contending from the capital. This was a major shift, as the Lord was anointing us for authoritative and declaratory prayers that would change the atmosphere of our capital, our capital city, our state and our nation.

“During a phone conversation with two of our state intercessory leaders, the Lord revealed another aspect. First, as we continue to move in this new position of contending from a place rather than contending for, we will see the force of evil intensify. This had been prophesied at our annual prayer network retreat. Evil will rise up to contend with us. This evil was demonstrated through the terrorist act of death through the El Paso shooting.

“Second, there is a clear, distinguishable line that is being drawn between what is right and wrong, just and unjust, and between life and death. The Lord kept speaking to us that we can’t have a spirit of compromise or of getting along for the sake of getting along. We can’t compromise with darkness, the antichrist spirit, Jezebel, Baal, or any other lifeless structure.

“God’s government must and will, through us, penetrate and influence natural government. Remember, whether it’s Washington, D.C. or Austin, what is decided there is not the root, but the fruit. We must call forth the righteousness and justice that are seeded into the foundation of God’s throne.” (Tom Schlueter)*

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer*:

  1. Step into God’s presence and seek His face and heart.

  2. You are seated with Him. Listen to what He is decreeing over your city, state and nation.

  3. Fully receive your commission and anointing to now contend from Your position in Him.

  4. Disarm and dismantle the structures that are rising up in contention against the work of God.

  5. Decree that darkness, death, confusion, and that which is unjust will be stopped.

  6. Recognize that failure is not an option.

  7. As you dismantle the darkness, speak forth blessing, life, righteousness, hope, justice and grace in its place.

A prayer you can pray*:

Lord, the foundations of our states and nation are rooted into the foundation stones of Your throne. They are rooted in righteousness and justice. I declare that we are built on the covenant promises of God. I declare Your Lordship over my city, my state, and my nation. I decree that Your life and light will penetrate every dark structure and expose every plot and scheme that is attempting to rise up in contention against the manifestations of Your kingdom and will. I recommit my life to You, Lord, and I will not fall prey to compromise. I will not get along to get along. I will not negotiate with darkness, the antichrist spirit, Jezebel, Baal, or any other lifeless structure. I call forth the righteousness and justice that are seeded into the foundation of God’s throne. Let those seeds bear the true fruit of Your kingdom. Lord Jesus, thank You for this new mantle of authority. Thank You that You have shifted me from “contending for” to “contending from.” I praise You and You alone. I open my ears to hear Your Word. And now let Your word go forth, as I decree it. Amen.

Today’s decree*:

I decree that Your life and light, Lord, will penetrate every dark structure and expose every plot and scheme that is attempting to rise up in contention against the manifestations of Your kingdom and will.

*Learn more about Tom Schlueter here.

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