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April 9, 2017

Different Streams and the Generations Co-Laboring Together – Dream Part 2

“The Lord then spoke and said, ‘Come higher.’ I was immediately taken up to an even higher position and could see that within 200 yards of every new revival trail there was a developed, well-maintained, road upon which were located ‘Freedom Outposts and Apostolic Centers’. I saw the mantles of some of the pioneers that are now a part of the great cloud of witnesses resting at the centers and freedom outposts. I also saw many present-day fathers and mothers of the faith at the outposts and centers. As I looked and considered what Father God was showing me, my heart began to weep because I knew that, presently, we were missing the potential of the synergy of the ages by ‘working separately’ rather than ‘co-laboring together’ in God’s purposes. After I awoke and remembered my dream, I was keenly aware that the son’s decision to take his inheritance to a far country (removed from his father’s wisdom and influence), is what caused the son to lose his inheritance, and eventually lose his way.” (Clay Nash)1

“Then Jesus said, ‘A man had two sons. The younger son said to his father, ‘Father, give me my share of the property.’ So the father divided his property between his two sons. After a few days, the younger son gathered his possessions and left for a country far away from home.’” (Luke 5:11-13a; GWT)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

  1. Think about rivers you have seen that run separately, then flow into one greater river.

  2. Ask the Lord to make a way for the many independent movements work together for the sake of the nation at this time.

  3. Many organizations worry about financial losses, if they don’t stay independent. Intercede that the churches and ministries will all increase, as God honors unity!

  4. As they meet together, show the leaders of these movements how to take their greatest strengths and use them to synergize the advancement of the Kingdom in the nation.

A prayer you can pray:

Lord, the revelation above reminds me of a sight I have seen many times flying over the area where the Mississippi and Missouri rivers flow into one another. For nearly forty miles these two rivers flow side-by-side before becoming one river because of different temperatures, current speeds and soil content in water. Lord, make a way for the different streams flow together, new and old, established works and fresh start-ups, combining the various foci—making us all become one!1 Thank You, Jesus! Amen.

Today’s decree:

We decree that the Lord will cause our many movements to flow together as one and that the Kingdom will explode in its advancement, as a result!

Learn more about Clay Nash here.


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