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April 6, 2020

Learning to Hear What the Spirit is Saying to the Church – Part 2

I am continuing a series that began yesterday. If you haven’t read that post, I recommend you do so, and read tomorrow’s post, as well. Then, you will see a more full picture of what God has been trying to help us see.

August 3, 2019 in Corinth, TX

“What we are entering into is an era, a decade. The decade is actually called, ‘Speaking forth your liberty.’ We are going to see so much upheaval coming in the earth realm that you’ll just have to hang on for dear life. There will be so many issues rearranged, because of the voices that are coming forth. This is what the whole next decade is about. Each year will have a different significance. We’ll keep repeating that until we get it.”

October 5-6, 2019 in Ghana

“This is what the season ahead looks like. Moses has been working the same way he’s been working for the last 40 years. All of a sudden, in the midst of him doing that, a bush begins to burn. Here’s the key issue about the decade ahead. God is going to interrupt our last season. I’m going to say that again. He’s going to look at your last season. He’s going to look at the last 40 years. Then, all of a sudden, He’s going to come down in the midst of it and He’s going to interrupt it.

“Bushes burn out in the desert. That was not unusual. But, a faith-action rose up in Moses. The Bible says that all of a sudden Moses turned to go look at the bush. There was a faith in Moses that moved him. God is going to be looking for that faith in us. We are going to have to recognize the interruption. In the midst of that, we are going to turn and look ‘at that bush’ and recognize this is not the same thing as burned last week. This is not the same thing that burned three years ago. All of a sudden there’s this Divine interruption and Moses comes face-to-face with the bush, and God says, ‘Take your shoes off. You’re in a new place.’ All of a sudden God reveals Himself to Moses. Then, God says, ‘I’m ready for you to do some things that I’ve prepared you for 40 years ago. But, you weren’t capable of completing then. Now, I’m calling you into them and you will be used not only to change a nation, but you’ll be used to deliver a nation.’ Say, ‘The Divine interruption is on the way!’” (Chuck Pierce)

“Now Moses was tending the flock of Jethro his father-in-law. There the angel of the Lord appeared to him in flames of fire from within a bush. Moses saw that though the bush was on fire it did not burn up. So Moses thought, ‘I will go over and see this strange sight—why the bush does not burn up.’ When the Lord saw that he had gone over to look, God called to him from within the bush, ‘Moses! Moses!’ And Moses said, ‘Here I am.’ ‘Do not come any closer,’ God said. ‘Take off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy ground.’ I am sending you to Pharaoh to bring my people the Israelites out of Egypt.’” (Exodus 3: 1a, 2-5, and 10; NIV)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

  1. Worship the Lord in the Spirit or pray in tongues until You feel His Presence, and feel faith rise up in you.

  2. Say out of that place of faith, “I will speak forth my liberty as the Lord reveals it to me! The Church will speak forth its destiny as the Lord gives us words to speak! We will be able to create the way into the breakthrough for our nation.”

  3. Write down what the Lord is showing you is a “burning bush” in your life that He is causing you to turn aside and look at closely. What is the message in it? What is the miracle in it?  

  4. What was the Lord doing with you 40 years ago, or at the beginning of your walk with Him if you haven’t walked with Him 40 years, yet? Ask Him to remind you if you don’t remember.

  5. Worship Him again. Tell Him you are ready to be interrupted, and ask Him to ready you for fullness of use in this era.

A prayer you can pray:

[Worship the Lord in the Spirit or pray in tongues until You feel His Presence, and feel faith rise up in you.] Father, I declare what You have said out of the faith You are giving me now, “I will speak forth my liberty as You reveal it to me! The Church will speak forth its destiny as You give us words to speak! We will be able to create the way into the breakthrough for our nation.” Show me what I need to turn aside to see. What do You want me to know? What miracle are You manifesting to move me into this next season? Show me clearly. Speak to me clearly. What are You going to do now that You couldn’t do for 40 years of my life [or at the beginning of my walk with You]? What does Your plan require of me in this era? I am ready to be interrupted and poured our for Your beautiful and precious Name’s sake, Jesus. [Worship Him again.]

Today’s decree:

God has brought us into an era of Divine interruptions!

Learn more about Chuck Pierce here.


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