Satan is on a Mission, but He is Not Destined to Win
“Whether we believe it or not, it is a fact that Satan is on a mission — a mission as simple as it is single-minded. He is out to steal our passion and he is determined to accomplish it. Imagine how effective he can be if he can carry out this one task — this one pursuit. This one thing he desperately needs to achieve. In far too many ways he is succeeding.
“Too often Christians fret and complain about the future; they cry and moan about Satan’s many victories in the world, how he is winning so many battles and gaining so much momentum in this country, as well as around the world. They talk as if Satan is destined to win. ‘We’re losing our kids to the culture,’ they say. ‘Our churches are dying in numbers, and our society is growing more evil by the day.’ I see it myself, but I know that when Satan is winning, it is because the people of God are cowering in retreat instead of standing up and facing the enemy with courage. They are giving up too easily.
“I long to see a day when Christians stand shoulder to shoulder, arm in arm, in this war with Satan and finally draw a line in the sand, right in the middle of his path. You can be a part of this army of soldiers rising up against Satan in this day. Let your heart be ignited by the Holy Spirit and become a warrior in this huge battle for God. The war is being waged, so take up your sword and find your place within his ranks!” (Nicky Cruz)
“When the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him.” (Isaiah 59:19; NKJV)
Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:
Determine to speak differently! Let the words that come out of your mouth be faith statements.
Say, “Our children will serve the Lord and shift the culture!”
Announce to the enemy, “The Body of Christ is learning to love one another and operate as one. Unity is where the Lord commands His blessings. The unity of the Body of Christ will undo all of your evil plans.”
Declare, “Our churches are full of the life-giving resurrection power of Jesus. They are expanding and growing in number every day!”
Proclaim, “The world is growing darker, but the Church is growing brighter and we will see multitudes come to Christ in America!”
Get out your Bible and find more scriptures to proclaim. Defeat the enemy with the Word of God just like Jesus did.
A prayer you can pray:
God, we are Your Church! How dare the enemy taunt us. He has successfully caused some of us to move into a place of doubt and unbelief. Lord, put a check on our mouth! Remove our fear! Help us remember that Your plan is for the Church to win! You call us overcomers. You call us victorious! We will line up our words with Your Word and say the things that stop the enemy in his tracks. We will stand strong, unafraid of the culture seeming to grow dark around us. Filled with the Holy Spirit, we become the light in the darkness. We light the dark corners, where the enemy is encroaching in the land. We expose his work and call him out. We put notice on the enemy and say, “The Body of Christ is learning who we are. We are learning to love one another and operate as one. You had better shake in your shoes, because unity is where the Lord commands His blessings. The unity of the Body of Christ will undo all of your evil plans.” Jesus, thank you for filling our churches full of the life-giving resurrection power of Jesus. They are expanding and growing in number every day! Our children will not be overcome or drawn away by Satan. We will not lose them to the seduction of the spirit of this age. They will serve Jesus, for we have raised them to know Him. They will influence the culture around them. Not the other way around. The world is growing darker, but the Church is growing brighter and we will see multitudes come to Christ in America! Amen.
Today’s decree:
Our hearts ignited by the Holy Spirit will propel us to overcome all the strategies of Satan against our nation!
Learn more about Nicky Cruz here.