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April 25, 2020

The Spirit of Adoption is on America

[Beginning on 4/21, I asked my brother, Tim Sheets, to share some thoughts with us over the next few days, so we can pray with spiritual insight. We are going to talk about what God has to say to the Church and this nation right now.]

DUTCH SHEETS (Speaking to Tim Sheets)

Let me read a portion of a dream sent to me on April 8th. That was the literal Passover Day. The Lord had prophesied through many that the breakthrough would begin on Passover. Since Christ is our Passover Lamb, what better day to begin a breakthrough than that day.

In the dream, I was on a platform with hundreds of other leaders. The only other identifiable person in the dream was our spiritual dad, Jim Hodges. We were talking about the original intent of our nation. I believe that was to be the greatest trumpet of the Gospel the world has ever had. So, we spoke about our history and past moves of God. Then, we spoke of current trends. Then, I said, “During this pause, God is recalibrating our hearts toward Him. Once the recalibrating is complete, the reset will take place. Then, there will be a fresh baptism of consecration. It will then be time for the fathers of the Ekklesia to release the spirit of adoption upon sons and daughters. We will baptize them into this and release them into destiny.”

Many of us have known that what God is about to do will eventually grip the millennials and the younger generations. Just as in the Charismatic movement and the Jesus Movement, there will be millions of them that will come to the Lord. I believe we are about to move into that.

When I stopped speaking, Jim Hodges began to say, “Pharaoh, let my people go.” He said it over and over. Eventually, the crowd began to decree it with him. I’m not sure if that was directed to evil governmental systems or humanistic forces in place that have tried to silence the Church. Probably all of the above. Then, Jim said, “God is reconstituting our nation as we follow the cloud by day, the apostles, and fire by night, the prophets.” God is going to move us back to original intent, original purpose, what we were created for. The dreamer then saw a cover of Times magazine that said, “Millions Baptized into their inheritances; the Spirit of Adoption is on America!”

“But when the right time came, God sent his Son, born of a woman, subject to the law. God sent him to buy freedom for us who were slaves to the law, so that he could adopt us as his very own children. And because we are his children, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, prompting us to call out, ‘Abba, Father.’ Now you are no longer a slave but God’s own child. And since you are his child, God has made you his heir.” (Galatians 4:4-7; NLT)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

  1. Consider this thought from the heart of the Father from the dream above, “The reason I can recalibrate this nation back to its original purpose and intent is because I have fathers and mothers, apostles and prophets, who hear My voice. They know how to receive strategy from Me and raise up sons and daughters into the fullness of their destinies.”

  2. Meditate on the fact that you are adopted as a son or daughter of the Most High. You are not rejected or abandoned. Not ever.

  3. Say, “Let it begin! Pharaoh, let God’s people go!” Repeat it as the Holy Spirit leads you.

  4. Declare, “Millions will be baptized into their inheritances now! The Spirit of Adoption is resting upon America!”

A prayer you can pray:

God, You have literally said through the dream above, “The reason I can recalibrate this nation back to its original purpose and intent is because I have fathers and mothers, apostles and prophets, who hear My voice. They know how to receive strategy from Me and raise up sons and daughters into the fullness of their destinies.” You have put us in our proper places. We have moved into a time that the earth has never experienced. You have adopted us into Your family. We are not alone. We are not rejected. We are not on our own or abandoned. You have made us Your full sons and daughters with all of the benefits of that position in Christ. We don’t have to beg or hope. We can know whose we are, and we can confidently make You known.

You have matured many into the five-fold gifts. You have given us the ability to raise up sons and daughters according to Your Word. We have moved into a maturity to be able to reveal the fullness of who Christ is to the world through our obedience to You as Your matured sons and daughters. The result is that we are going to bring multi-millions of young ones into the kingdom in this era, and we won’t lose this harvest. That is staggering to ponder. So, we say, “Let it begin! Pharaoh, let God’s people go!” We declare, “Millions will be baptized into their inheritances now! The Spirit of Adoption is on America!” Amen.

Today’s decree:

The Spirit of adoption is upon America. Mature sons and daughters of God are revealing Christ to the nation.

Learn more about Tim Sheets here.


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