It’s Testimony Time!
[I have asked my brother, Tim Sheets, to share some thoughts with us over the next few days, so we can pray with spiritual insight. We are going to talk about what God has to say to the Church and this nation right now.]
We are in the midst of the coronavirus situation. In some places the impact was very strong. In some places, it is still increasing. In other places, it looks like it is flattening, even waning. Some places have seen no cases at all, but they have still been economically impacted. We hear what the media says and what the government officials are saying. The most important thing is to hear what God is saying in this. He always has a plan that is higher than what the enemy is trying to do. He is not going to allow His own agenda, plans, and timing to be altered through this situation. We, the Church, His Ekklesia, His government on the earth, must listen to Him and do what He says. I believe the praying Church is rising up and is strong in faith. I believe God has been and will continue to use us. We are not to be reactionary, but to act and determine what will take place as He leads us.
My brother, Tim, was one of those alerted by the Lord months before this began that something of this nature was coming. So, here is what he has to share with us.
“I believe something big is underway. I don’t have a feeling of gloom or doom at all. I believe revival is at hand. I don’t think this coronavirus is going to stop anything God has promised—His prophetic words, or prophetic dreams that we’ve had come forth. Nothing will be hindered by this. The Ekklesia will continue to rise. I feel like an aggressive faith is starting to rise in the remnant. There is a boldness rising up.
“I feel that the whole situation that hell has caused is actually going to backfire. The Apostle Paul made a statement in Philippians 1:12. He was in jail. He was in confinement, which our whole nation is now in. He said not to be upset, because ‘this will go to the furtherance of the Gospel.’ In verse 19, he said, ‘This is going to turn for our deliverance.’ In thinking about him being in confinement and comparing it to us, millions of Christians are at home all day with nothing much to do. This is so they can pray. And, they can pray a lot. They can witness over social media. They can share their testimonies and pray for their friends and family members.”
“But I want you to know, brethren, that the things which happened to me have actually turned out for the furtherance of the gospel, so that it has become evident to the whole palace guard, and to all the rest, that my chains are in Christ; and most of the brethren in the Lord, having become confident by my chains, are much more bold to speak the word without fear.” (Philippians 1:12-14; NKJV)
Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:
Thank the Lord for this season of confinement!
Assess where you and your family are at? How has He cared for you? What can you testify of?
This is good time to process if you are praying, or simply watching the news and processing it. Make prayer points as you watch, then, decree and declare what you believe the Lord’s will is in all of this.
If you are comfortable. Write or video your testimonies on social media platforms. If you have a gift to worship, worship online. Sing some hymns everyone knows. Put your gifts out there.
A prayer you can pray:
Lord, I may be weary of this season of confinement, but let me benefit from it. You have been so good to my family and me! I can testify of Your goodness. You are building a greater testimony in the Church. Deepen my relationship with you in this season of limitation. Move me to pray, and pray some more. Where I’m filling my day looking for information, let me turn that into intercession. Mix my prayers with the Word and let decrees form. I will decree Your decrees over the nation and we will see Your good ness manifest.
The people are growing weary of being confined. They want and need to work. I say that wise strategies and answers will come forth and the nation will open back up. Where dark plans of the enemy threatened to undo us, reverse the process. Send Your angels to help us, Lord. Grace, grace, grace!
I can pray and I can decree and I can testify. Show me what my part is to expand Your kingdom throughout my realm of authority now. What is my part of making You known? Let the airwaves be filled with the Glory of God in intercession, declaration, in worship, and in testimony in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Today’s decree:
It is time to testify to the world of God’s goodness and mercy!