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April 2, 2018

Walking in the Holy Spirit

“Jesus Christ was filled with the Holy Spirit. He could have gone through the beatings, the crucifixion, and all of the pain in sovereign health. He could have shown Himself obviously to be God in the midst of the attacks against Him. But God had a different plan, So, Jesus willingly laid down His life and He took it up again three days later. 50 days after His resurrection, He gave that same Spirit to His disciples, who were waiting for His promise right where He told them to be. Since that day, every Believer who welcomes the Holy Spirit’s baptism and walks in obedience to Him can live expressing the same works that Jesus did.” (Robert Heidler)1

“No one can take my life from me. I sacrifice it voluntarily. For I have the authority to lay it down when I want to and also to take it up again. For this is what my Father has commanded.” (John 10:18; NLT)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

  1. Did you think Jesus was killed by the Roman soldiers? Did you think He was killed by the Jewish priests or Satan himself? They could never have killed Him! Look again.

  2. Are you regularly waiting before Him; listening for Him; watching for His activities around You? Choose to do so from this time forward.

  3. If you are filled with the Holy Spirit, do you know you can walk in the power of the Holy Spirit, just like Jesus did? Ask Him to manifest through you to those that need to see Jesus and know the Father.

  4. Declare, “The sons of God are being revealed!”

A prayer you can pray:

Jesus, let this revelation sink deep down in me. I have often thought that You were killed by others. I have even said so at times, even though I know what You said in John 10:18. There is a fresh Holy Spirit wind blowing over Your Word and drawing me to seek You in a deeper way. What I have been taught In Church is not enough. Teach me, Holy Spirit. Lead me, guide me and direct me, as I lean on, trust in and rely on You. Manifest Your reality to those around me that need to see Jesus. Draw them to the Father, then put me in their path. I want to be one of the “sons” of God that are being revealed all across America – those that heal the sick, raise the dead, cast out demons, and preach the good news of the Gospel of the Kingdom. Amen.

Today’s decree:

The outpouring in America is waiting for the Ekklesia to reveal Him!

1 Robert Heidler is the Teacher gift at Glory of Zion International. Message 4/1/18.


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