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April 12, 2018

Gifts are Not Positions or Titles

A remnant company is about to become apostolic, prophetic, evangelistic, pastoral, and teaching. The Church is about to manifest the fullness of Christ-anointings in the earth. The synergy that is going to take place is going to multiply the anointing many times. In the context of these five anointings, people are going to be redefined, especially leaders. Since we took “gifts” and made them “positions” or “titles”, if you lead a congregation in the past culture and were the leader, you were a “pastor”. For example, if someone is not really a “pastor” gift, they will hurt others when they counsel them or otherwise try to nurture them. Generals, like Patton, (apostles) will slap you on the side of the head and call you a coward. Pastors don’t do that. They help them. Someone needs to bring healing and someone needs to see the long-term big picture.

“For just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us.” (Romans 12:4-5a; NIV)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

• Ask God to make evident and increase the “apostle” gifts to the Body of Christ. These individuals are natural leaders. They are generals. They are strong and decisive. They establish new, often never-seen-before things. They lead the way into the fray, they provide order and direction, and we love to follow them. Call them forth. • Intercede for the revealing of the “prophet” gifts within the Ekklesia. They help us see and know what Holy Spirit is doing in the Kingdom. They operate in dreams, visions, discernment, and deliverance. They give words of encouragement and correction. They call forth destinies and help keep us on track and on time. Call them forth. • Declare the day of the “evangelist” is here. These outside-the-walls gifted ones save the lost, drive out demons, and display the power of God to the unbelievers first. They motivate others to reap the harvest, as well. Call them forth. • Pray for the Lord to multiply and provide “pastor” gifts to the Church. These individuals may never stand in a pulpit, but they are the healers, the nurturers, the encouragers, and the counselors. They are the “love” gifts. Call them forth. • Finally, ask the Lord for the true “teachers” to arise. These study the Word to show themselves approved before God and man. They know the Word of God inside out, backward, and forward, and, sometimes, in the Greek and Hebrew. They have let Holy Spirit teach them, so they can break the Word down for others, rightly dividing it in truth. They provide the foundation of our faith. Call them forth.

A prayer you can pray:

Father, I call forth the five-fold grace gifts into the Body of Christ. I call forth the “apostle” gifts. We need those faith-filled leaders who will lead us without hesitation in the advancement of the Kingdom in the earth. I call forth the “prophet” gifts who will help us see and hear and know the ways of God, Your purposes and Your timing. I call forth the “evangelist” gifts. These are those who will help model for us the reaping of the harvests of souls. We call for the “pastor” gifts who will heal us, nurture us, love us, and encourage us. Finally, we call forth the “teacher” gifts. Those who can teach us how to know and understand Your Word accurately and in depth are a treasure. We call them all to manifest in this season of multiplication and acceleration, Jesus. Amen.

Today’s decree:

I decree that the Church of America will manifest the fullness of the five-fold grace gifts for Kingdom advancement!


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