Boots On the Ground
Holy Spirit has been taking me back to the book of Joshua. In this book God changed the time and season, telling Joshua, “The wilderness season is over, now you are going in to possess the land.” This is where we are in America. It is time to possess the land spiritually, through revival - a Third Great Awakening (Mark 16:15-18). This will enable us to change things in the natural sense: laws, morality, government, education, the courts, etc., which is reformation (Matthew 28:18-20). We will never have the strength and momentum needed to reform without a genuine revival or awakening.
God is clearly speaking to His people about praying, which is always the initial step, as well as releasing other strategies. It is important when we hear words, dreams, and messages that we act on them. They are not simply to encourage us; they are to give us direction and strategy. I certainly receive them as strategy and as I feel instructed by Holy Spirit, do what they show me to do.
Others are doing the same. I prayed for a group of ladies a couple of months back who were going on a prayer journey to Red River Meeting House and, if my memory serves me correctly, on to Cane Ridge. They were doing so in response to Gina Gholston’s dream of the Red River Meeting House. They designed the t-shirt I’m wearing today and gave me one. These teams are serious!
Some of the most life-changing experiences I’ve had with God have come on prayer journeys. I’ve been on many, sometimes alone, other times part of a team. We can always pray wherever we are - just as we do daily on this post - but at times, God needs boots on the ground, decrees released directly into the atmosphere, or a prophetic act of obedience onsite.
In yesterday‘s post, I mentioned four ladies who are traveling along I-40 and other key places on a prayer tour, based on a series of dreams regarding this interstate. In the dreams, I-40 symbolizes Isaiah 40, yet it is clear that some of the details are to be taken literally. Praying along this interstate - from the east coast of our nation all the way to the west coast - is intended to be a prophetic act that releases the power and fire of God into America. It is incredibly inspiring to hear what these ladies, 94, 84, 71, and 69 years of age, are doing.
Yesterday, I shared a short report from them. Today, I want to share a longer account of their prayers the past couple of days:
“We left Nashville, TN, and drove to Morganton, NC. Along the way, declarations and decrees were made at the leading of Holy Spirit.
“As we left Nashville, TN, we decreed that fire is falling across this nation, that the wells of revival are overflowing; and that the breath of God and the anointing of Holy Spirit are flowing all across the land, bringing in a huge harvest as men realize their need for God.
“From Nashville, TN, to Knoxville, TN, we decreed and declared the altars of Baal - drug addiction, pornography, sex trafficking, and child abuse are brought down.
“Between Knoxville, TN, and Ashville, NC, we decreed that businesses are delivered from illogical mandates and restrictions. We bound the spirit of fear and declared people once again will desire to work.
“We declared over North Carolina that awakening is now, pornography is broken, and churches are standing up for the righteousness of God. We decreed that pastors and church leaders are awakened and on fire to feed their sheep God's truth; that pastors who refuse to do this are removed. We declared that the ekklesia is rising up and taking authority, that racism is broken and that God is pouring out His Spirit over this region. God is cleansing this territory from its old ways to resurrection life in Jesus.
“God's power is falling in Ashville, NC, pulpits as they are filled with fresh anointing and fire. We declared, ‘Dry bones, come alive… old wineskins are left behind as new wineskins replace them…and that God's Word accomplishes His purposes as He watches over His Word to perform it.’
“We are so tired of this junk that is going on; we want to help God do His work. And because we want God to succeed, we will do exactly what we hear Him speak. Like Dutch was saying the other night, ‘see and say.’ We see with our hearts and say what He tells us to say. I guess we want to imitate our Father.”
This is what it means to put feet to our prayers. I wish we had 100 teams doing this. And even though some of you cannot do so because of jobs or family, you can pray as you drive through your cities. You can pray on the way to work, in route to the grocery store, when dropping your kids off at school. Let’s be doers of the words He gives us.
Again, I know many of you ARE doing this. And I want you to know, “It still works!” Every Spirit-led prayer and decree will bring forth fruit. They will not return to Him void, but will accomplish what He intends (Isaiah 55:11). The literal, most accurate translation of Luke 1:37 is: “For no word spoken by God is without power.” When He gives you a prayer or decree to release it is filled with his power. Let’s persevere and take back this land for Him!
Pray with me:
Thank You, Holy Spirit for the dreams and strategies You are bringing forth. It is our joy to partner with You. In Isaiah 40, You prophesied of John’s forerunning ministry, preparing the way for Messiah to come. You have used this passage once again to say to us today, “Prepare the way, through your prayers and decrees, for Messiah-King Jesus to come to your nation again. We are doing this.
Thousands of us are agreeing in prayer today for Your guidance and protection to Jean, Francis, Violet, Mary, and all the others carrying out assignments such as this. Whether they are praying while walking across our nation, driving across, walking their neighborhood, or driving across town, we undergird them with prayer. We ask You to strengthen them and make their prayers a mighty sword in the spirit.
We all decree now, “Strongholds in America, come down! Demonic influence, be removed! Fire of God, fall! Church, be awakened! Unbelievers, be saved! Evil in government and education, be exposed and removed! Young generation, receive the greatest revival planet earth has ever experienced! Prodigals, come back to Father!
In Christ’s name, so be it!
Our decree:
We decree that all of these requests and prayers are authorized by King Jesus, empowered by Holy Spirit, and enforced by angels.
Click on the link below to watch the full video.