Southeast Pennsylvania was blanketed with snow. He spreads the snow like wool (Psalms 147:16). The Holy Spirit layed it on my heart that today was the perfect day to do my prayer walk to the park where Well #3 is located for the Christiana water supply. I walked and with my boots stomped out a cross in front of the water treatment building for that well. At the Well head, I read the prayer and Decrees for the water supply for my town. (photo included) Another cross.
Knowing that another parcel of land was purchased for future water source, I walked across town in the snow covered sidewalks that were being pelted with sleet, to the vacant lot.
There, I again prayed through the scritptures and decrees. I used my boots to stomped out a large cross in the snow.
The well location is not yet chosen, but I prayed that as the snow blanketed that 6 acre plot, it was as though God was hovering over the land as in Gen 1. I prayed that a strong flow of water would be found, one that gushes plenty of water along with the verse that the water would not fail, as stated in Isaiah 58:11.
Returning home, I remembered that I had awakened at 1:47am and I wanted to read Psalms 147. To my delight, verse 18, He gives his command, and the ice melts. He stirs up the winds, and the water flows.
Thank you Jesus for your Word. I will continue to pray over this water supply.