2 min

July 14, 2018

Is This the One?

“Through the Church, the manifold wisdom of God is made known to the rulers and authorities at work today (Ephesians 3:10). This is the role of intercessors. This is why and how we pray for the nation. Many organizations and Christian leaders that I respect have endorsed Judge Kavanaugh for very sound reasons: He is a textualist and originalist; he is strong on the Second Amendment, administrative law, and religious liberty; he is an intellectual leader as a jurist. A few Christian leaders that I respect have expressed concern for his appointment: he is part of the establishment; he may be unwilling to reverse Roe v. Wade; prophecies have (raised a question as to whether) he may have a spirit of Absalom, a spirit that would usurp the ways of God.  We desire to hear from the Lord in this manner, as we always do. As we listen to the Spirit in our own hearts and consider prophetic words, we need to test and verify every ‘word’ we receive.” (Dave Kubal)1

“Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.” (Romans 13:1; NIV)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer (Dave Kubal)1:

  1. Declare God’s sovereignty over this process, that He is more powerful than any committee, any hearing, any conglomerated media effort, etc.

  2. Pray for the revealing of Judge Kavanaugh’s views about critical issues. We need to pray that Judge Kavanaugh’s past decisions would be clearly understood in order to anticipate accurately how future decisions could be made. In particular, God’s heart is for the protection of the unborn, so we must pray that the new Supreme Court Justice will be a person open to the reversal of Roe v. Wade.

  3. Protection of senators from outside influences. Targeted millions of dollars will be spent in the next few months in attempts to sway specific senators in this process by getting constituents to pressure their senators. In addition to this public pressure, there will be personal pressure on these same senators.

  4. We must pray that our senators have a strong sense of the fear of God instead of the fear of man.

  5. Pray that the anti-life/anti-God mainstream and social media would be stifled.

A prayer you can pray:

Lord, we declare that You are more powerful than any committee, any hearing, any conglomerated media effort or any other human decision-making body in our government. You are sovereign and able to ensure that Your choice is seated on the Court. As Judge Kavanaugh goes through the process, reveal his heart and thinking on critical issues. Don’t leave our well-meaning senators in the dark. We really want to know if he stands fully for Life. Protect the senators from bribes and deals that outside influencers may try to make with them. This is an abomination to you, as well as to us. Place the fear of the Lord on them, instead. And, Jesus, shut the mouth of the media! They are really stirring a very ugly pot of divisiveness and control. Thank you, Lord. Amen.

Today’s decree:

God is sovereign over the Justices that will sit on the Supreme Court!

1 Learn more about Dave Kubal and Intercessors for America here.