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- 3/25/16
The Crucifixion Six hours He hung there. Besides the nails in His hands and feet being excruciatingly painful, he was slowly suffocating. In this dying state, He interceded for His transgressors. He redeemed the lost thief. A darkness rolled in. He Who knew no sin was about to be made sin and about to be separated from the Father as a result. This was the hardest thing. It made Him cry out, “Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani.” The beloved Son is forsaken and the Father must pour out His wrath on Him – because of our sin. “The Lord says, ‘It was my will that he should suffer; His death was a sacrifice to bring forgiveness. And so he will see his descendants; he will live a long life, and through him my purpose will succeed.’” (Isaiah 53:10; GNT) Give Him 15 minutes in prayer: Through the most excruciating pain of Jesus’ last living day on earth, He was thinking of others. Worship Him for redeeming mankind. The last thing Jesus experienced was to be separated from the Father, even as we are separated when we don’t know Him through Jesus. Cry out for every lost soul you know, that this year they will come to know their savior – Jesus! A prayer you can pray: Father, I worship You for sending Jesus to die on the cross for us. Jesus, I thank You that You hung there in pain and in shame. Thank you that You experienced eternal separation from the Father as you took the weight of all of the world’s sin on Yourself. What great love!! We must have an outpouring of Your Holy Spirit, Lord! People must know what You have done! Today’s decree: Jesus took all of our sin to the cross, so that we could live forever in relationship with the Father, starting now!
- 3/24/16
Crucify Him! Cries of “Crucify Him” rang out. Those standing there hated the light because it exposed the evil in them. Man’s fallen condition is evil by nature – enmity against the Most High God. God came into the world to love mankind and we respond with “Crucify Him!” The abortionist doesn’t want evidence that the fetus is human. The humanist wants no standards or absolutes. They cry out, “Crucify Him,” all over again. But, sitting in a robe of mockery and a crown of thorns, He sat in quiet dignity before them. This is a love we cannot understand. “So they cried out again, ‘Crucify Him!’ The Pilate said to them, ‘Why, what evil has He done?’ But they cried out all the more, ‘Crucify Him!’” (Mark 15:13-14; NKJV) Give Him 15 minutes in prayer: Get out your newspaper or open up an online news source. Note how many articles you see that talk about areas where man is saying yet again, “Crucify Him!” Identificationally repent, “Father, forgive them for they don’t understand what they were doing! If they knew the great price Jesus paid, they would not want to crucify Him again!” Do the above over 3 or 4 national or community issues you are reading about. A prayer you can pray: Father, look at the condition of our nation. Look at all of the things we are still doing where we are still crying out, “Crucify Him!” We want our way. We think we are so smart, an evolved culture, but we really just don’t want You. We don’t want to hear what You are saying. We don’t want to do what Your Word says is the right thing to do. Forgive us, Lord. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. Today’s decree: Forgive us, Lord, and help us to want Your involvement in our lives and in our nation.
- 3/23/16
Shedding of Blood The pressure was so great on Jesus as He wrestled with God in the garden that he sweated blood. Then, bits of bone or metal, sharp on long straps of leather were slung about His body, ripping off His flesh. He was left right at the point of death. Because of these 39 bloody stripes on His back, we can be healed. Next, a crown of thorns was pushed down on His head. The curse on Adam and Eve, therefore on all mankind, had demanded thorns to grow and frustrate man’s efforts. Every bit of the curse was being undone as His blood flowed. “Because of the sacrifice of the Messiah, his blood poured out on the altar of the Cross, we’re a free people – free of penalties and punishments chalked up by all our misdeeds. And not just barely free, either. Abundantly free!” (Ephesians 1:7-8; MSG) Give Him 15 minutes in prayer: Thank the Lord for healing Your mind. Pray for everyone you know who suffers from mental illness, worry, anxiety and fear. Jesus shed blood so that these things can be healed. Thank the Lord for healing your body. Pray for everyone you know with a physical illness. Jesus was whipped until His blood flowed and by His stripes we have already been healed. Appropriate the healing. Thank the Lord for the healing of your soul – your will and emotions. If your efforts are frustrated, realize that as His child you are no longer living under the curse. You are free to move forward as He leads. Go! A prayer you can pray: Dear Lord, thank you for the shedding of Your blood. You shed Your blood, so that I may be free and may pray that others be set free as well. Heal the fearful, the anxious and the mentally ill. Heal those with every manner of physical disease. Heal those who feel they cannot move forward in their lives, as if they are living under a curse. Heal our nation, Lord. I proclaim that we are healed through the blood of Jesus, Amen. Today’s decree: Jesus shed His blood so that we could be completely healed and completely set free to live for Him!
- 3/22/16
Gethsemane Judas knew where to find Jesus – in His place of prayer. Jesus’ struggle would last three hours long as He wrestled with the greatest stress any human being could endure – for us. He didn’t pray glib prayers. He knew what was coming, and while He wanted to be in the comfort of His friends, He knew this was something He had to face on His own. He was deeply grieved, anguished, even overwhelmed, but He didn’t stop working this through with the Father. Redemption had begun. “He went forward a little, and fell face downward on the ground, and prayed, ‘My Father! If it is possible, let this cup be taken away from me. But, I want your will, not mine.’” (Matthew 26:39; TLB) Give Him 15 minutes in prayer: Read Matthew 26:36-42. Sit and think about what Jesus was going through. He wrestled with God for the grace to finish His task – our salvation, our lives, even the future of our nation! Such a great price. We can’t even comprehend it! Worship the Lord, for He is worthy! Tell Him that you want to do His Will and follow His Word. Ask Him for grace to do whatever He says, no matter how hard! He understands. A prayer you can pray: Jesus, I can’t even begin to understand the level of anguish You were dealing with as You wrestled in the Garden of Gethsemane for the grace to go to the cross. Your humanity was showing, showing me how great the cost of our salvation was to You, the cost of Your future plans – even the establishment of this nation. I worship You for You are worthy to be worshipped. Grant me the grace that I need to follow You wherever You are going. Amen. Today’s decree: Jesus is worthy of all worship and praise and adoration and exaltation!
- 3/21/16
The Victory Meal The last supper was an expression of the new covenant and the cup of victory. In Genesis 14:18, Abram met King Melchizedek. As a gesture of victory and establishment of covenant, Melchizedek brought out the bread and the wine and the king and Abram partook together. Jesus deviated from the standard Passover meal and brought out the bread and the wine. In a display of His covenant with them, the King served the children of Abraham. Victory was coming! “…Jesus took the bread, blessed and broke it, and gave it to them and said, ‘Take, eat; this is My body.’ Then He took the cup…and He said to them, ‘This is My blood of the new covenant, which is shed for many.’” (Mark 14: 22-24; NKJV) Give Him 15 minutes in prayer: If you have bread and grape juice or wine, go get some and prepare to take communion – just you and the Lord, or include your family or prayer group. Take a few minutes and thank the Lord for your salvation – the victory of the cross manifested! Thank the Lord that He has established the United States to be in covenant with Him. Reaffirm your personal covenant and our nation’s covenant with Him as you take communion. Victory is coming! Using the scripture above in Mark, read it aloud and take communion. A prayer you can pray: Father, thank you so much for sending Jesus to form a new covenant between You and Your people. Thank you for saving me! Thank you that you have also formed a covenant with the United States of America when You established our nation for Your divine purposes. As I take communion now, I ask You to remember these covenants, Lord, and may all of Your plans be victorious! Amen. Today’s decree: The victory of the cross is going to be manifested throughout our nation, which is in eternal covenant with God!
- 3/20/16
The Passover Meal Jesus was hours away from His death and resurrection, planned from the foundation of the world. He wanted to share His deepest thoughts with His disciples. He wanted to tell them about the new covenant, institute communion, share His heart with them and His plan of salvation. And, what were the disciples fussing over? Position. So, He washed their feet. “And they began to argue among themselves as to who would have the highest rank in the coming kingdom.” (Luke 22:24; TLB) “So He rose from the table, took off his outer garment, and tied a towel around his waist…and began to wash the disciples’ feet.” (John 13:4 & 5b; GNT) Give Him 15 minutes in prayer: We are entering the holiest season for Christians, culminating in the celebration of the Resurrection of Jesus! Do we want to be those that commune with Christ and hear about His plans and His ways or will we be like the disciples that night and worry about how successful we can be? Tell Him about the relationship you want to have with Him. Think about how He serves us every day that we live. Commit to live a life of service to Him and to others. Get your Bible out and read Matthew 26, Mark 14, Luke 22 and John 13. A prayer you can pray: Dear Lord, I don’t want to miss any part of what You are saying and doing right now. I am convinced that we are living in exceptional days and there is much You want the Church to know. Please help me not to worry about my own fame, but to be one that makes You famous! Show me what You want me to do and empower me to serve You every day. In the Name of Jesus, Amen. Today’s decree: I desire to know Him and make Him known!
- 3/19/16
Joel 2:16 Year I have been sensing that a huge surge of prayer is coming to America in 2016. A great work of preparation has been done, and this wave of prayer will now hit its stride. A conversation I had with my dear friend and son in the Lord, Will Ford, put a phrase to what I had been sensing. Based on a dream given to his wife, Will said, “The year 2016 is the year of Joel 2:16.” This verse highlights God’s present call to personal lifestyles and mass gatherings of fasting and prayer. The subsequent verses speak of the fruit of such devotion: deliverance, restoration, and a massive outpouring of the Holy Spirit. “Gather the people, sanctify the congregation, assemble the elders, gather the children and the nursing infants. Let the bridegroom come out of his room and the bride out of her bridal chamber.” (Joel 2:16; NASB) Give Him 15 minutes in prayer: Thank the Lord that He is drawing His people to prayer this year with a fresh passion. Ask the Lord to do Joel 2:16 right now: gather the people, the congregations, the elders, the children, the young, old, rich and poor of every color. Ask that He compel us to pray for our nation! Tell the Lord that you want to pray, but you also want to see the fruit of your prayers: people delivered from oppression, changes in the nation, and His Holy Spirit poured out in power! A prayer you can pray: Dear Lord, something in my spirit is telling me that this is going to be a year filled with passionate prayer for our nation! I am looking forward to everything you will do! Draw the Church to prayer, Lord. Holy Spirit, call the church elders and congregants. Call the young and the old and children, especially. Call those of every stream of life, of every color. Call us to prayer and let our prayers impact our nation! Amen. Today’s decree: Let Joel 2:16 be reality now, Lord! Do it! To see the full Blog post go here.
- 3/18/16
Choose Life! The Lord didn’t ask us to choose between prosperity and poverty. He asked us to choose life or death. Ever since Adam and Eve were walking with the Lord in the Garden of Eden, God asked man to choose life. He knows this is hard for us. He knew Adam and Eve’s choice would open the door for sin in the world, which would make that choice even harder for us. However, He remedied the situation and made it easy. Now, if we simply choose Jesus, we choose LIFE and He gives it wholeheartedly and eternally, filled with blessing and abundance! “Today I have given you the choice between life and death, between blessings and curses. Now I call on heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Oh, that you would choose life, so that you and your descendants might live!” (Deuteronomy 30:19; NLT) Give Him 15 minutes in prayer: Political parties are asking us to make a choice between economic philosophies, but God says the issue of life is the most important. Stop and think about that for a minute. Pray for our nation that we will be able to trust God enough to choose life when we go to the polls, then believe He will bless our nation. Thank Him for sending Jesus to save us and to give us the opportunity to choose Him, the source of Life and that abundantly! A prayer you can pray: Father, all I hear about on the news is what candidates say they can do for the economy, and there are so many possible solutions! You said, however, that life is the issue that is the most important. You show us that if we choose life, You will pour out prosperity and blessings on us as a nation, even as You did for Israel. Well, I choose life, Lord! And, I pray that You would touch the hearts of Believers that they will vote for life, as well! Thank you, Jesus! Amen. Today’s decree: I choose life for my household and my nation!
- 3/17/16
He is Not Done! I heard the Lord say, “I am not finished healing blind eyes! I am not finished opening deaf ears! I am not finished restoring crippled limbs! I am not done reaping the harvest of the end of the age! I am not finished saving the lost, setting the oppressed free or delivering captives! I am not done!” (Dr. Tim Sheets)1 “The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He has anointed Me to preach the gospel to the poor. He has sent Me to proclaim release to the captives, and recovery of sight to the blind, to set free those who are oppressed, to proclaim the favorable year of the Lord.” (Luke 4:18-19; NASB) Give Him 15 minutes in prayer: Read the prophetic Word above back to the Lord as a statement of faith, for example, “You are not finished…” Read Luke 4:18-19 and proclaim it over yourself, because His anointing is now your anointing, if you are now born again and filled with His Holy Spirit! Raise your hands in the air and thank Him that you get to participate with Him in getting these things done—we’re not done yet! A prayer you can pray: Dear Lord, thank you that I get to do these amazing things together with You! I am so glad that we are not done healing the sick, saving the lost and setting free the oppressed! I feel such a joy in knowing that there are still so many wonderful things to be done—things that draw people to You! In Jesus’ mighty Name, Amen! Today’s decree: Jesus is still saving the lost, healing the sick and setting captives free today—through His Church! 1 Dr. Tim Sheets is an Apostle, Pastor, and Author based in southwestern Ohio.
- 3/16/16
He is Not Finished! God said, “It is finished,” not “I am finished.” He said He finished redemption on the cross, but He didn’t say He is done. He is not done with His Church. He will finish building His Church. It will be glorious. It will be without spot and wrinkle. It will reign in His Name! It will not be intimidated, scared, bewildered, confused, tepid or spineless! He is not done! He is not near done! He is going to finish what He said He would finish! (Dr. Tim Sheets)1 “That He might present to Himself the Church in all her glory, having no spot or wrinkle or any such thing; but that she would be holy and blameless.” (Ephesians 5:27; NASB) Give Him 15 minutes in prayer: Worship the Lord for He is still at work on His Church and you are a part of it! Thank Him that He is not done with us, His Church, yet! Pray Ephesians 5:27 over the body of Christ. Now, pray it over yourself. Put your name in place of “the Church”. Let His Word transform you from limited to limitless, unable to able, intimidated to fearless! A prayer you can pray: God, I believe that You are not done! You are not done with Your Church. You are not done with me. I believe that You have a work to accomplish and You are transforming us into the image of Your Son! Lord, make us glorious! I pray Ephesians 5:27 over the Church and over my life. Do Your work in us, Lord! As we are transformed, this nation will be, too. Amen. Today’s decree: He is not even near done! 1 Dr. Tim Sheets is an Apostle, Pastor, and Author based in southwestern Ohio.
- 3/14/16
Lord and Savior When we get saved, we invite Jesus to be the Lord and Savior of our life. The “Savior” part is pretty simple—and amazing. The “Lord” part can be a bit more complicated. Making Jesus your Lord means giving Him total control of your life, every day and in every way. Just as Jesus followed the leading of the Father, so the disciples and apostles in the New Testament followed Jesus as Lord. They rocked their world! They show us a life that can truly impact a nation for God. (Hannah Sheets)1 “And how blessed are those in whom you live, whose lives become roads you travel… God-traveled, these roads curve up the mountain, and at the last turn—Zion! God in full view!” (Psalm 84: 5,7; MSG) Give Him 15 minutes in prayer: If there are areas in your life where you haven’t allowed God to have full control, repent and give those to Him. Renew your commitment to having Jesus be the Lord of your life. Ask God to use your life to show others who Jesus really is. Believe that all of His children following Him completely can transform this nation. A prayer you can pray: Jesus, thank you for being my Savior. Today I once again ask You to be Lord of my life. I surrender my life freshly to You, all of me and holding nothing back, and ask You to lead me. Make my life a vessel You can use to reveal Jesus to others. Help those of us in the body of Christ to follow You as Lord of our lives, so you might transform the nation we live in! Amen. Today’s decree: Jesus, I acknowledge You as Lord of my life and Lord over America! 1 Hannah Sheets is a passionate lover of Jesus who has been focused on the pursuit of God and His pursuit of a generation.
- 3/13/16
Cultivate Faithfulness The verse, “Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart,” is known by many (Psalms 37:4). However, the verse before this is often overlooked; and in it is a key phrase for unlocking this promise—“cultivate faithfulness.” Faithfulness isn’t something talked about very much in the American church, but it is a Fruit of the Spirit and should be pursued by every Believer. As we seek out the promises of Psalm 37:4, let’s not forget to cultivate faithfulness. Do the “little things” each day and watch how God makes the desires of your heart and the desires of His heart one and the same. (Hannah Sheets)1 “His lord said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant; you were faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord.’” (Matthew 24:25; NKJV) Give Him 15 minutes in prayer: Ask the Lord to help you become more faithful in your walk with Him—in the big and small things. Ask the Lord to make the desires of His heart and the desires of your heart the same thing. If you have a big dream, ask the Lord what small steps you can be faithful in today that will lead to the fulfillment of that dream. God has a plan for America. Continue to be faithful to pray daily for this nation, until God’s dream is a reality! A prayer you can pray: Lord, I want faithfulness to be a fruit that is evident in my life. Help me to not overlook the little things or the simple things in my walk with You. Cultivate faithfulness in my life and show me things I can do to be more faithful. Share Your heart for our nation with me, Lord, and prompt me to pray daily until Your dream is a reality! In Jesus’ Name, Amen. Today’s decree: I desire to be faithful in my walk with You, Lord! 1 Hannah Sheets is a passionate lover of Jesus who has been focused on the pursuit of God and His pursuit of a generation.