Binding the Spirit of Delay
Brett Kavanaugh’s Judiciary Committee vote has been moved from this Thursday, 9/20, to possibly next Thursday, 9/27. This allows for a hearing on Monday, 9/24, where he and Christine Blasey Ford will be able to testify under oath regarding Mrs. Ford’s allegations of sexual assault by Judge Kavanaugh when they were in high school. Both sides of the aisle agreed that this is appropriate. Mrs. Ford has not replied to Chairman Grassley’s office as to whether she will attend. Democrats want to extend the invitation to include other witnesses, but Sen. Grassley said the two alone are enough to resolve the matter. Regardless, this is a delay. Judge Kavanaugh continues to maintain his innocence through it all. While being sensitive to Mrs. Ford, one of Satan’s favorite tactics is delay. Politically, Democrats feel this situation could give them the opportunity to push the confirmation past the midterm elections, when they hope to gain a majority of the Senate. If that is the case, they will be in control of who fills the next Supreme Court Justice seat.
“Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life.” (Proverbs 13:12; NIV)
Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:
Take authority over the spirit of delay in this situation. Tell it to cease and desist. Say, “The decision of the Senate Judiciary Committee to vote on whether or not to send Judge Kavanaugh to the full Senate for a vote will not be delayed beyond Thursday, 9/27.”
Intercede for Christine Ford. Continue to pray that she would know Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior and that He would heal the effects of any trauma in her life. Pray that she will speak nothing but the truth while under oath.
Intercede for Brett Kavanaugh. Pray that truth would be revealed. Pray that he would press into Jesus and find comfort there. Pray protection over the emotions of his wife, Ashley, and daughters, Liza and Margaret.
A prayer you can pray:
In the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord, we take authority over every spirit attempting to delay the placement of a new Supreme Court Justice. The decision of the Senate Judiciary Committee to vote on whether or not to send Judge Kavanaugh to the full Senate for a vote will not be delayed beyond Thursday, 9/27. Both Christine Ford and Brett Kavanaugh should be able to defend their positions under oath on Monday. We pray for Christine, that she would know Jesus as her Lord and Savior, so all of the trauma she has been burdened with by the enemy can be healed. We ask that Brett Kavanaugh would know Christ, seek Him, and find the grace to be 100% truthful about this matter, so the Committee members know what to do. Cover Ashley, Liza, and Margaret with your protective hand, Lord. In Jesus’ loving name, amen.
Today’s decree:
No more delay!