Give Him 15 is joining a 40-day national call to prayer before the 2018 Midterm Elections. Here is today’s Focus:
Day 6 – Reclaiming the Dark Places
“The kingdom of God has come near you.” (Luke 10:9; ESV)
Darkness is not measured by the quantity of its own elements or ingredients. There are no “dark waves” like there are “light waves.” Rather, darkness is measured as the absence of light.
When we step into a dark room in our home, our very first instinct is to turn on a light, and for that reason, the light switch is generally right near the door. Flip the switch, the light comes on, and immediately the darkness goes away. It cannot exist where the light is present. Even if it is reduced to shadows where the rays of light have not fully penetrated, the darkness is mortally compromised.
Speaking peace has the same effect as the light switch: it dispels the darkness around it. Even if it is the smallest twinkle in vast, dark space, it is sufficient to give orientation to everything else in that space.
Let’s review Jesus’ instructions in Luke 10. First, he told His followers to speak peace to every house (v.5); in essence, He told them to turn on the light. Bless, don’t curse.
Second, He said, “Eat what they set before you” (v.8). Fellowship, don’t avoid. You don’t have to talk. Just eat and drink, but keep the lamp burning.
Then He told them, “Heal the sick who are there” (v.9). Minister, don’t ignore.
Finally, at the close of His instructions, Jesus said, Proclaim: “Tell them, ‘The kingdom of God has come near to you’” (v.11).
Even though your “peace-speaking” may seem but a flicker of light in a very dark place, Jesus says that flicker is impregnated with all the power and resources of the kingdom of God.
In fact, that’s exactly what Jesus’ followers experienced. They “returned with joy, saying, ‘Lord, even the demons are subject to us in Your name.’” And He said to them, “I was watching Satan fall from heaven like lightning” (Lk. 10:17-18). Darkness was defeated. The corruptive forces operating under its cover were sent off in hasty retreat. The spiritual climate was changed for the better.
This is the lifestyle that you and I are called to.
Yes! Change the climate—change the nation!
Points for Prayer:
Review Luke 10:1-18. Accept and embrace the truth of every verse in prayer.
Armed with greater understanding and faith, speak peace more boldly to every house you enter, physically or in prayer.
Reclaim every dark place—from your house to the houses of government in Washington—because Jesus has already paid the price of redemption.
Make this your lifestyle for you and your family from this day forward. Determine to let no corrupt word leave your mouth, but that every word be full of the peace of God.
Speak peace, and follow the trail, because now you know there is a trail.
By Dave Thompson Sr. Vice President, Harvest Evangelism