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October 14, 2020

Protection of Religious Freedom in Our Schools

[Beginning 9/25, and continuing through Election Day, November 3rd, GiveHim15 is joining forces with many other national prayer ministries in 40 Days of Prayer for America. Nancy Huff, Christian author for the Education Mountain, provides today’s prayer focus.]

“On January 16, 2020, President Trump gave everyone involved in public education an infusion of courage to stand up for their faith in the face of opposition. Rather than depend on local school boards to relay to the students’ updated rights on freedom of religious expression, President Trump held a press conference in the Oval Office to make the announcement. The guidelines, designed to protect prayer and religious expression in public schools, should assure students, administrators, and teachers that they can freely exercise their constitutional rights of religious freedom. If anyone is denied religious freedom rights, the new guidelines outline a way for the individual to file a complaint. Believers now have more protection to express their faith in public schools than they have had in almost 60 years.”

“Now we proclaim the kingdom of God and teach about the Lord Jesus Christ– with all boldness and without hindrance!” (Acts 28:31; HCSB)

Points for Prayer (By, Nancy Huff):

Intercede for all the students, teachers, and administrators on our school campuses who believe in Jesus to be bold in their faith and not back down in the face of opposition. Ask the Lord to assure them that greater is He who is in them than he who is in the world.

Pray that school administrators and teachers will not ignore the new guidelines but will allow students to express their religious freedoms on school campuses.

Thank God for President Trump and his protections for people who express their faith in public schools. Bless our President and pray that as we take the freedoms given to us, our obedience will open the door for even greater religious liberty in every classroom.

Pray the Holy Spirit will call bold believers to work in our public schools. In their positions of authority, they will exercise their First Amendment Right to freedom of speech and freedom of religion.

Pray for history and civics classes to be taught in our public school so that our children will learn the history of our nation and will appreciate the freedoms given to us by our forefathers who wrote the Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence. Pray that those who teach history will teach the subject in such a way that they will inspire their students to become great men and women who will lead this nation in righteousness.

A Prayer You Can Pray:

Father, thank You for expanding religious freedom rights in our schools under President Trump. We now have the backing we need for Christian students, teachers, and administrators on our school campuses to be bold in their faith and not back down when they are opposed. Grant a holy boldness to Believers in the education realm. We can express our faith in Christ and share the Gospel message on our campuses. We will now walk in this constitutionally granted freedom supported by executive action.

Holy Spirit, call Believers to choose education as their career. We need more workers in this mountain of influence. We need administrators in particular. It seems to be a place we have relegated to the enemy and we are now paying the price. Our freedom has been diminished more and more, and the things taught to our children are far from our biblical values, even shocking at times. That’s ending now! Let those You have strategically placed in education now rise up in authority and teach the things they know to be true while refusing to teach lies. Let them say, “We will no longer teach a false history of America. We will teach civics and the governing process, so we know how to vote and run for office. We will encourage the use of the Bible as a basis for research. May this next generation be a righteous generation in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Today’s Decree:

Freedom of religion is secure for Christian students and administrators!

Learn more about Nancy Huff here.


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