Special Forces With Special Assignments
A friend of mine had a dream that he was having lunch with President Trump. In the dream, he had a question for the President, “What must we do to protect America?” The President’s answer was, “We must protect and control the air.” This is most certainly a spiritual dream relating to us. Now, hear me: you can have a very small congregation (small in a numerical sense) that has a large assignment, calling, and impact. In fact, you may be small because of the assignment you have been given by the Lord. You may be more of a “special forces unit” than a part of the broad army. There’s nothing wrong with large numbers, but there are also those that are called to take on unusual assignments, such as praying for 3 or 4 hours on a Sunday morning.
“Then the Lord said to Gideon, ‘You still have too many men. Take them down to the water, and I will separate them for you there. If I tell you a man should go with you, he will go. If I tell you a man should not go with you, he will not go.’” (Judges 7:4; GNT)
Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:
If you are part of a large congregation, thank the Lord for the power in the many!
If you are part of a small congregation, rejoice, for you can be used by God for unique, special assignments!
Regardless of the size of the group you have chosen to worship with, choose to pray more as a congregation. Ask the Lord for a plan and talk with you pastor about this, if it’s not currently their style.
Gather a small group of friends together for special prayer strikes in your city – let the Lord lead you to pray for the schools, around civic buildings, for justice, and in areas where strongholds need to come down. Also, pray for economic growth and for the blessings of the Lord to increase.
A prayer you can pray:
God, I thank you for the congregation of Believers you have led me to, regardless of the size. You have a reason for putting my family and me where we are. Increase prayer in this place! Give groups of us special strategies to hit the mark in prayer and effect great change in our community. I ask that my pastor would make more room for prayer in corporate services. Show me who You want me to gather together with in intercession. Show us what our special assignment is, Holy Spirit. We want to tear down strongholds and call into our cities the blessing and increase of the Presence of the Lord. May we make room for Jesus in our city as we pray! Amen.
Today’s decree:
I decree that God will use small, strategic groups of intercessors to undertake special forces assignments all across this nation and in every community.