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October 12, 2020

Prayer for the Children

[Beginning 9/25, and continuing through Election Day, November 3rd, GiveHim15 is joining forces with many other national prayer ministries in 40 Days of Prayer for America. Sharon Ngai of Radiance International provides today’s prayer focus.]

“It was the Sunday following Hugh Hefner’s death when we called for a special Prayer Burn at our service in Hollywood. With a powerful group of intercessors and Industry Creatives in the room, we cried out for JUSTICE for the exploited women in Hollywood. We understood that Hugh Hefner—the father of modern-day pornography—was also a significant figure in Hollywood who represented perversion and the exploitation of women. We cried out for the women and the unjust casting couch culture they had silently endured for decades in Hollywood. For too long, their cries for justice were ignored and were unable to emerge. But we declared that the sound of their voices would now pierce through.

“Four days after our Prayer Burn, an article in The New York Times broke about Harvey Weinstein and his abuse of women in Hollywood. This resulted in the floodgates opening up for voices of women to be heard, not just in Hollywood but beyond. We believe the power of our prayers on that Sunday helped break through and uncover a culture of evil that had been taking place for decades.

“In the wake of Harvey Weinstein’s exposure, something even more heartbreaking remains hidden in Hollywood. They are the cries of children who have been abused and mishandled by the powerful. It is hard to imagine that celebrities and well-respected individuals would commit crimes against innocent children, but it has been done. As hard as it is to use the word, we need to call out pedophilia. There are documented stories of child stars as far back as Shirley Temple and Judy Garland who were harassed on sets and preyed upon by the powerful men around them. Since ministering in Hollywood, we have heard first-hand accounts of such abuse. We believe it is time for justice for abused children to break open! Pedophilia is not acceptable. The use and abuse of children in Hollywood or anywhere else in our society is not acceptable. God’s eyes are on the children right now, and we believe it is time for justice for them. Will you pray and add your voice on their behalf?”

"'For nothing is hidden that will not become evident, nor anything secret that will not be known and come to light." (Luke 8:17)

Prayer Points (By, Sharon Ngai):

Pray that the covering that has kept pedophilia and the abuse of children hidden in Hollywood will be fully revealed.

Pray that pedophilia rings would be exposed in Hollywood—along with any ties to government and businesses.

Pray for all the children, past and present, who have experienced abuse to be healed by the power and love of Jesus.

Pray for those who have experienced abuse as children to have the courage to step forward. Let the floodgates of justice be open.

A Prayer You Can Pray:

Father, we need You as Father today. We know You love all of the precious innocent children in this nation. We look to You today for protection for them. There are heinous individuals that want to use children for wicked and perverted sexual desires. This must stop now! We have heard in the last few months about very famous and/or powerful individuals, such as Harvey Weinstein and Jeffrey Epstein, who have done horrific things with our young. This was hidden from the public, but many, many of those in Hollywood and other upper economic groups were well aware of it. We command these disgusting practices of pedophilia to be exposed completely now! They are coming into the light and the darkness will not be able to overcome this exposure!

We pray for the children. God, only You can possibly give them their innocence back. They have experienced things no child should know. Give more and more victims the courage they need to come forward. There are adults with seared consciences that want this normalized. They want it taught in schools down to the kindergarten level. They have even changed the laws in CA to permit this between children as young as 12 and adults. Oh God, please hear us and move to end these practices! We are so thankful for the prayers you have already answered in Hollywood. Exposing the sin is the first step. However, there’s so much more to do. We ask for a complete cleaning up and ending of pedophilia in America in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Today’s Decree:

We decree justice for victims of child abuse, exploitation, and pedophilia!

Learn more about Sharon Ngai and Radiance International here.


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