He’s looking for Pure-hearted Worshippers
God is looking for only one thing and that is the heart. He’s really not into worship. Does that surprise you? God doesn’t seek worship. Nowhere in scripture does it say He does. It says He seeks worshippers. It’s not the song that excites Him, it’s the singer. He’d rather have a glance from a loving countenance than a song sung by the greatest singer in the world, if it did not come from the heart. He’s into heart issues. He is finding a people all across this nation that have come back to basics. They don’t care about the fluff. They are hungry for Him – pure-hearted worshippers.
“But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him.” (John 4:23; ESV)
Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:
Sit quietly before Him and ask Him what kind of worshipper you are. Let Him be honest with you. Don’t be afraid of what He’ll say. Repent, if you need to.
Ask Him to give you the heart of a worshipper, not given to perfection or performance, not caring what others think, but simply adoring Him.
Sing to Him a song from your heart without caring what it sounds like. Just sing Him a love song.
Go and show Jesus to someone who needs to see Him today. In this manner, by pure-hearted worshippers, shall our nation shall be changed.
A prayer you can pray:
Father, I come before You today with my heart laid bare. Examine it, please. I want to be a worshipper, clean before You, clean and free to worship without hinderance or fear. Give me a clean heart. Remove performance and the fear of man from me. Accept my song of worship, coming from the new, clean heart You’re forming in me. Show me how to expand Your Kingdom by sharing this love with others around me. Help me to multiply myself into multitudes of new pure-hearted worshippers, Jesus. Amen.
Today’s decree:
I decree that the day of the pure-hearted worshippers has come to America and now the miracles will begin.