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November 7, 2017

The Revealing of His Glory Touches All Flesh

As His glory comes down and the Lord exalts Himself, He is going to bring down that which has opposed Him. We’re not to be alarmed at the feverish, resistance to what He is doing that is evident in this nation right now. The warfare is intense. The demons are manifesting, and they manifest in a lot of ways, including violence. Do not be discouraged! The Glory is returning! Those who have opposed Him will be dealt with and those who are welcoming Him in His way will be exalted.

“And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together, for the mouth of the Lord has spoken.” (Isaiah 40:5; ESV)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

  1. Know that God has a plan to reveal His Glory.

  2. Ask Him to see it and participate in it, rather than be one who resists it, politically or religiously.

  3. Tell Him you want Him, for with Him comes His glory.

  4. Pray for any you know who are resisting Him. They may be church attendees. They may be atheists or anything in between.

  5. Spiritually arrest those who oppose Christ, who are opposing His people and His plan. Call them to repentance and salvation.

  6. Worship Him.

A prayer you can pray:

God, You have always had a plan. You have protected Your plan and Your Name. You have always had a remnant. The ark even now is returning. The dance of David is even now taking place on the hillside outside of Jerusalem. The restoration of the Tabernacle of David is being accomplished even as we speak, and the ark of His Presence is about to manifest here and in the nations of the earth. You are going to show us manifestations of Your Glory in unique ways. Come, Lord, Jesus, come!

Today’s decree:

To the strongholds of darkness that have run the people of God and the prophets into caves, Baal and Jezebel, “He has dealt with you and He will deal with you. You will not silence the Elijahs and the Elishas, nor keep His Presence from our shores.”


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