Koinonia – God Shares His Secrets
I was recently reminded of a time when I was ministering in Toronto. The last morning, I was getting ready to go speak. I was just kind of hanging out with the Lord as I was packing to leave. I had some worship playing and I was throwing things in my suitcase. I reached up to grab a hanger and I heard the Lord speak to me. It wasn’t an out-loud dialogue. Just in my heart I heard Him say, “Japan is on My heart today.” I said, “Lord, is that You?” Before this, I had not had the concept of a particular place being on God’s heart. I thought God just had everywhere on His heart all the time. I never thought that way. Then, He replied, “Yes. Japan is really on My heart today. I must have breakthrough there today. I need intercession for Japan today. Would you take your session today and have the people pray for Japan?” He did not tell me to do this. There are plenty of times where God does tell me what to do or what to pray. He has a right to do that, but He didn’t do that this time. He asked, and I said, “Well, of course I will.”
I wondered later why He didn’t just tell me to do this. I realized that He and I had hit this place of comradery. He wasn’t being “God” in that moment. He was being “friend”. Something erupted in me that made me long to do what He asked of me. Of course, we will!
Something happened to that group of 1500-2000 meeting there that day. I went in and told them that Japan was really on the Father’s heart. I talked to them about that moment I had had in the hotel where He had shared His heart with me. There was a delegation of 30-40 Japanese people in attendance. I had no way of knowing they were going to be there. They came to the front and began to weep. Then this travail hit the room. The rest of my session, about 45 minutes long, there was this agonizing travail for Japan. All of this was born out of God’s heart released to me in a moment of hanging out with Him, when He chose to say, “You know, you could help Me out right now, if you would?” That’s koinonia. That’s what He’s like.
“May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.” (2 Corinthians 13:14; NIV)
Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:
Do you want to know the secrets of God’s heart? Tell Him so.
Spend time in worship and intercession with Him. Just hang out with Him and enjoy His presence.
Ask God what is on His heart? When He tells You, ask Him what He would like you to do about it.
Delight to partner with Him in the fulfilment of His heart’s desires. Say yes to Him.
Declare over the Body of Christ, “May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you. May You know Him and make Him known in the earth.”
A prayer you can pray:
Father, I want to hear Your heartbeat. I want to lay my head on your chest and hear Your secrets. I want to worship You and know You love every second of it. I love hearing that You want to hang out with me more than I want to hang out with You. That’s just amazing! I want to find a spot of time where we can hang out together. What could be better? Even as I go about the normal parts of my day, let me keep my heart turned toward You. You could show up at any moment and start sharing Your heart with me. Tell me, Lord, please. Make my heart beat in tandem with Yours. When You tell me what You care about, my thinking is changed, my vision is changed, my intercession is changed, and my direction may even be changed. I want to partner with You to fulfill Your heart’s desires. Let the whole Body of Christ get this. May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with the Church. May we know You and make You known in the earth, Jesus. Amen.
Today’s decree:
Nations will change as we respond to God sharing His heart with us.