I invite you to join me each day as we pray for our nation until the election crisis has resolved. I’ll be reading the daily Give Him 15, making comments, and then we will pray together. You can join me here as we Appeal to Heaven for America.
Fighting for Life
Wisconsin is one of the 6 states where we are contending for accurate election results. It’s extremely important that this nation stand for Life. We know God honors the choosing of life for the unborn. Wisconsin has been a battleground state over the issue of abortion. In today’s post, former Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker discusses how the election of pro-life leaders ensures life for the unborn. He made these comments on a Students for Life Facebook post. As we pray for Wisconsin’s election results, this discussion reminds us of one of the key reasons we are fighting this battle on our knees.
“When my wife, Tonette, was pregnant with our first-born, we proudly showed off his first baby photo. It was his ultrasound picture. Our son, Matt, was turned on his side. You could see him holding his hand up to his mouth and sucking his thumb. We were both pro-life before that. But seeing that image of a living, human being at just a few weeks old and able to perform human actions made it crystal clear that life is the only choice.
“During the eight years before I was sworn in as the governor of Wisconsin, the state had a pro-abortion governor. It did not matter that we had strong pro-life majorities in both houses of the state legislature. A pro-abortion person in that position has the power to block common sense pro-life legislation. During my time as governor of Wisconsin, I proudly signed a bill into law that requires everyone seeking an abortion to be shown an ultrasound image of their unborn baby. The hope was that when a woman felt stuck, women who were in crisis, and women who felt as though abortion was their only option would recognize the humanity of the life growing inside of them. When people realize that abortion stops a beating heart, we save lives.
“I was able to sign multiple pieces of pro-life legislation into law, and almost certainly saved countless lives. We defunded Planned Parenthood in our first budget and put the money into non-controversial programs that truly help women’s health. We prioritized life-affirming women’s services over pro-abortion pregnancy services. We encouraged other lawmakers to support pro-life measures, speak at pro-life events, and even speak to the media regarding pro-life ideas.
“It’s not always easy. Pro-life elected officials often face tremendous pressure from the media, sometimes even from donors, to back away from pro-life positions. But standing up for pro-life officials can literally be the difference between life and death. It is so important to affirm pro-life officials, give them support, encourage them, and organize others to do the same.
“We’re winning the battles to protect life all across America, but we can’t stop now. Too many unborn children are counting on us. All it takes is one elected official to say, ‘No more,’ in order to save countless lives.”
You can find all states’ positions on abortion here.
“Children are a heritage from the Lord, offspring a reward from him. Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are children born in one’s youth. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them. They will not be put to shame when they contend with their opponents in court.” (Psalm 127:3-5 NIV)
Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:
Tell the Lord how You personally feel about abortion. If that term has become unemotional to you, say, “the killing of babies.”
Identificationally repent for this sin in your state and in America. Decry how callous we have become toward it.
Ask God to raise up more elected leaders, such as former Governor Scott Walker, who will stand firmly against the practice, working to defund it and end it.
Declare Psalm 127:3-5.
Know your state’s position on abortion so you can continue to actively pursue the ending of it there.
A prayer you can pray:
God, we cannot come to You enough over the issue of life for the unborn in America. We can’t fathom it and we can’t tolerate it. This heinous and idolatrous practice must end. We have fed that demonic principality, Moloch, too many of our innocent offspring. We have sacrificed at his altar for too many selfish reasons. We have gone there out of fear, shame, inconvenience, and threat. We have justified our actions to the point that our hearts and consciences have grown calloused. Some have even begun a movement to rejoice in their abortions. They say they could never have been successful if they had given birth to the child. Dear God, forgive us.
Thank You for raising up those we can elect to public office, like former Governor Scott Walker, who will stand for the life of the unborn. Thank you for his public voice to affirm life and educate the public and other lawmakers on the travesty of this practice. Thank you that he is able to help other elected leaders know what to do to change legislation in their state so that life is honored there, also. Give him greater influence and raise up others. Let the laws of the land shift toward life at both the federal and the state levels. Let government funding for abortion be completely cut off. Women must be challenged to think about the life within them and not just their own life. Men must be brought to conviction for supporting a partner’s “decision,” paying for abortions, and even threatening their partners into aborting their children. Abortion must end in America! We say, “Children are a blessing from You, Lord. They are our heritage and we are blessed when You give them to us. We will contend in court against the opponents of life and find favor for the babies in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Today’s decree:
America chooses life! We will elect leaders who will end abortion in America!