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November 1, 2017

The Next Step – Day after Reformation Day 2017

I say the two words people are saying are ‘revival’ and ‘reformation’. We need to have revival. And we also need to make sure our societies are reformed. I think what has started here is going to go around the world this time not as a reformation of the Church, but a reformation of our nations. It’s so very exciting to see these young people, they’re out on the streets, witnessing. This one No Limits group, they have been going out by the hundreds; teenagers going out into the streets and seeing incredible miracles. Fifteen-year-olds are praying for blind people, and their eyes are opening. Just really outstanding miracles. This is very encouraging here in Germany, and it’s going to be a groundswell we believe will happen.” (Cindy Jacobs)1

“Father, the hour has come. Glorify your Son, that your Son may glorify you. For you granted him authority over all people that he might give eternal life to all those you have given him. Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.” (John 17:1b-3; NIV)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

  1. Call for revival and reformation!

  2. Call for the young, passionate evangelists!

  3. Intercede for the “No Limits” group in Germany. Pray that the miracles they are already seeing would be multiplied. Pray for other young evangelist groups to explode on the scene and sweep around the globe.

  4. Call for miracles, miracles, miracles and harvest, harvest, harvest!

  5. Ask God to go beyond revival with us and use the Ekklesia to reform our nation’s society.

A prayer you can pray:

Father, I call for revival and reformation! It is time! I call for the revealing of the young evangelists to come forth, mantled in grace and expressing your Kingdom gifts. I pray for this “No Limits” group in Germany that Cindy encountered. Wow! They are so full of faith. They are seeing signs, wonders, and miracles on a consistent basis. Release other young, fiery evangelists around the world. We want them here in the U.S., as well! Miracles, miracles, miracles, Lord! Give us a great harvest of souls! Move through Your Ekklesia to reform every area of America and other nations of the world. In Jesus’ Name, amen.

Today’s decree:

I decree that the new move of revival and reformation will glorify the Son, Jesus!

1 Justice, Jessilyn, “Cindy Jacobs Issues Urgent Prophetic Insight Ahead of October 31”., 10/30/17. 10/31/17.


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