Watching Over U.S. Agriculture
[Cindy Jacobs released the following as a Prayer Alert on 5/21/20. Read the full article here.]
“The United States of America has been a land of plenty. With the arrival of COVID-19, we are finding ourselves in a season where we are not able to get our abundance to market. For example, in Texas and other midwest states, ranchers are having to put cattle down because there is a lower market for the meat. They also don’t have enough feed for them. In the hog industry, COVID-19 hit the processing plants and processing had to stop, causing hog farmers to need to euthanize some of their livestock. These types of situations have caused a real snowball effect. For example, now there are gluts of corn across the nation, as there is a lowered need for feed for livestock. This is driving down costs for grain producers. Fresh fruit and vegetable growers just can’t get their products to market due to limitations from the virus. Pray that the enemy will not take out our farmers. Intercede for those working in agriculture, food processing, packaging, and distribution. We are also going to pray for creative ideas to keep the supply chain working.
“Despite the current challenges, we do not believe the Lord will let our people starve. If we pray, He will turn things around. We believe there will be a renaissance of hope. Though our nation is facing difficulty in the area of agriculture, we believe we have entered into a new era. It is an era of farming innovation and creativity. We are seeing that God is providing prophetic answers, and Josephs are rising up and instituting strategic plans.
“We have… heard many stories of the Lord drawing us back to some old ways of doing things, which are becoming new again. Some dairy farmers are going back to bottling their own milk and selling it directly from their farms. Some are turning the milk into cheese, which has a longer shelf life.
“Chicken farmers were going to have to slaughter their chickens because large institutions, such as restaurant chains and educational facilities, are not going to need them. However, some farmers have gathered together and decided they would go ahead and process the chickens and donate the meat to the food banks. Chicken farms that are focused on providing eggs have put the word out across social media and are selling the eggs directly to the public. Food banks are coming and getting them, as well. By the way, most food banks are run by Christian organizations and churches. Pray for an increased direct connection between the farmers and food banks, churches and other sources of direct distribution to families in need. This is ‘the Reset!’ Decree creative ideas! Decree the church will rise up and reform our food distribution system.”
“Be sure you know the condition of your flocks, give careful attention to your herds; for riches do not endure forever, and a crown is not secure for all generations.” (Proverbs 27:23-24; NIV)
Give Him 15 minutes in prayer (by, Cindy Jacobs):
Pray that the enemy will not take out our farmers. Intercede for all those working in agriculture, food processing, packaging, and distribution.
Pray for creative ideas to keep the supply chain working.
Thank God for providing prophetic answers to our nation’s food supply challenges.
Call for the Josephs to rise up and institute strategic plans for the future.
Pray for an increased direct connection between the farmers and food banks, churches and other sources of direct distribution to families in need. This is ‘the Reset!’ Decree creative ideas! Decree the church will rise up and reform our food distribution system.
On May 19, 2020, President Trump announced dramatic action to support our nation’s farmers, ranchers, and growers as we work to safely re-open America: “My administration is launching a new initiative called the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program. Through this effort, we are providing $19 billion to support our nation’s agricultural producers, maintain the health of our critical food supply chains, and provide food assistance to American families.”(1) Pray for this initiative, also known as the “Farmers to Families” program.
A prayer you can pray:
Lord, COVID-19 is having a multi-faceted effect on many areas of our society. We must trust You and intercede into these things, not just sit by and watch them happen. We put up a hedge of protection over our livestock and our crops. We pray into the disrupted supply lines and distribution systems and humbly ask for Your sovereign intervention. Consider the needs of the many thousands of individuals and families impacted, Lord, and have mercy on them. It is time for innovation. Some things must advance quickly. Some things must return to old ways. Some things can never be done the same way as before. We need the Josephs to be raised up. Give dreams and visions and Words of wisdom to Your prophets. Properly position us for the future.
Many churches and Christian ministries run food banks across America. It is time for them to be ultra-efficient and know what to do. Grant them grace and favor. Partner them with the ranchers, farmers, and growers, such as in the “Farmers to Families program.” We bless Sonny Purdue at the Department of Agriculture and the USDA for this extensive and timely program. Grace them to pull this off quickly and without error, Lord. Feed our people, as You care for the food providers. Thank You for Your grace and mercy in Jesus’ Name.
Today’s decree:
The Lord will send a blessing on America’s “barns” and everything our food providers put their hands to.
1 Learn more about the USDA “Farmers to Families Food Box Program”: