He Who Has Ears
In Revelation 2 and 3 the Word says repeatedly, “He that has an ear to hear, let him hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches.” The Message version says it this way, “Are your ears awake? Then listen!” There has never been a day quite like the days we have now entered. There has never been a move of God like the one we will now see where millions upon millions of prodigals will return and where there will be millions upon millions of new converts to Christ. (Tim Sheets)1
“If you have ears, then listen to what the Spirit says to the churches!” (Revelations 2:7a; GNT)
Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:
Holy Spirit is blowing His Wind of revival and transformation across the nation! It has already begun! Rejoice and tell God you are excited to be a part of this move of God!
Sit and intensely listen for God to speak to you. Let Him whisper scripture to you or give you a picture of what He’s doing. Maybe He will give you someone to pray for or show you a situation with specific instructions to pray and/or act. Pray the way He shows you to for a few minutes. Write down any instructions.
Thank Him in advance for the return of the prodigals. Pray for the lost again today. Name every one you can think of that needs to return to the Lord or come to know Him for the first time. Pray the way Holy Spirit leads you to.
A prayer you can pray:
Father! We are in such exciting days! Tune my ears to hear your Holy Spirit! I want to hear clearly and partner with You in Your activities! I want to sit and listen carefully for Your prayer direction. I want to hear Your clear instruction for action! I am watching intently for the prodigals to return by the millions, just as the prophets have foretold! I pray for every lost soul I know right now (with great faith stirred up, name them all!) Amen! Amen! Amen!
Today’s decree:
Let every Believer hear the Holy Spirit clearly and know how to pray and act and participate in this great move of God!
1 You can learn more about Dr. Tim Sheets here.