70 Days – Righteousness Exalts a Nation – Day 46
GiveHim15 will be collaborating with Love Ministries in a very special 70-day prayer focus. We are going to take a stand for righteousness in the United States of America from February 9th through Passover, April 19th.
“Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people.” (Proverbs 14:34; NASB)
Let us step into 1 Timothy 1:18 and fight the good fight of the faith in keeping with the prophetic destiny of our nation. This is an excerpt of the prophetic word that I, Betty Love, released at Miracle City Global on March 10, 2019. I want to invite you to read this word and war with it over our President and Nation. Special note: “Ha” in Hebrew is the breath of God – every time in the prophetic word that you see “HaHaHa” – it is a release of the breath of God into the word, our President and the nation!
“I heard and I saw what has been covering our President, what has been hindering him from being able to stand up full stature. I saw the Lord remove this covering that had prevented him from really standing up and owning the House. I hear the Lord saying, ‘Hahaha, President Donald J. Trump. Stand up in your birthright and your destiny. Hahaha! Do you not have the authority to pardon?’ And the Lord says, ‘Forgetting those things that are behind, hahaha, cut the cord on the past and move into the now of heaven. Stand up in your birthright, full stature, full stature, full stature, no limits, no holdouts, no hold-ups.’ The Lord says He is scattering the enemy. He is scattering the enemy. He is routing your enemies, President Trump. Yay God, and now you’re going to get to do what you’ve been ordained to do, even before the foundations of the earth. ‘Rise up in your birthright. Rise up in your destiny.’ The Lord says, ‘Full functionality in your gift mix, hahaha; dreams and visions. And there’s a reckoning coming in the earth,’ says the Lord. ‘Those things that have stood against you, those things that have opposed you, those things that opposed my plans, even for this land, the enemy has been overturned. The verdict has been released. I will shut the mouth of the enemy. No longer will the accuser stand in this nation. No longer will the enemy gain ground. I have pushed back the resistance and now my hand is going to talk,’ says the Lord your God. On earth as it is in heaven. It is a new day in the earth realm. It is a new day in this nation. The Lord says, ‘You can begin to count the days. Because you’re going to see in these 40 days.’ We’re in the 30th day of the 70. The Lord says, ‘In the 40 days that remain, you’re going to laugh at the enemy. You’re going to laugh at the enemy. You’re going to laugh at the enemy. You’re going to see things overturned that man thought was impossible. And it’s going to shift so quick. We’re running now. You’re going to run with Me and you’re going to be running and moving so fast, you’re going to mount up on wings of eagles and you’re going to soar in the high places. ‘You will not be capped. You will not be held back. You will not be held down. For today, there will be no more delay. My people, who are called by My name, I’ve heard your prayers and I’ve seen your tears and your bowls are tipping. I’m going to heal your land from coast to coast, city to city, hahaha, north to south, east to west. I’m going to heal your land. You’re going to come into your birthright,’ says the Lord. Oh, begin to rise up in your birthright. Rise up in your destiny, what’s stored in you.” (Betty Love, prophetic word given at MCG, 3/10/19)
Give Him 15 minutes of prayer:
Decree the above word over our President and nation.
Pray for Florida’s Governor Ron DeSantis and all governmental authority in this State. Pray for this state to be plumbed in righteousness.
52 Day State Prayer Focus: Florida (Spanish: “flowery”).
Statehood: March 3, 1845.
Motto: In God We Trust.
Familiar Name: The Sunshine State.
50-State Tour: First For Revival; the Forerunner State (February 14-15, 2003).
Decree the Preamble of the State of Florida: “We, the people of the State of Florida, being grateful to Almighty God for our constitutional liberty, in order to secure its benefits, perfect our government, insure domestic tranquility, maintain public order, and guarantee equal civil and political rights to all, do ordain and establish this constitution.”
A prayer you can pray:
Father, we come into agreement with your kingdom plan and purposes for our President Donald J. Trump, the United States of America, and the State of Florida. We thank you for a mighty standing army of prayer warriors across this land of America. Father, we pray for all in governmental authority and the places of influences throughout our nation and Florida. We come into agreement with your original intent for the State of Florida. “Florida you are forerunner state—forerunning in the purposes of God, forerunning in revival, forerunning in destiny—for the nation. Florida you are an apostolic state with a governmental mantle to shift and change the nation.” (Prophesied by Chuck D. Pierce.)
“Inside each and every one of us is our one true authentic swing. Something we were born with. Something that’s ours and ours alone. Something that can’t be learned something that’s got to be remembered.” It is time to remember who you are and rise up in your birthright and destiny. Florida, you are the Swing Vote State. No longer will righteousness be toppled or toyed with in your land. I AM is swinging you unto righteousness for the sake of the entire nation. You are getting your true authentic swing realigned and restored in righteousness. I AM is going to deal with unrighteousness in your land and on your waters. What has been hidden will be revealed. No more fraudulent activity in your land. I AM is going to deal with your trade and your trafficking routes in the land, on the waterways and the airways. Get ready Florida, the light of the Lord is shining upon you to dispel the darkness. The Son of Righteousness is rising with healing in His wings over the Sunshine State.
“Lord, we thank you that you are exposing and dealing with the ‘tally hassle’ by uprooting, tearing down, destroying, and overthrowing the ungodly structures, interruptions and corruption in the elections and voting in this state. Remove the ungodly influence and bring righteous directives into this state. Lord, we ask you to deal with the Leviathan spirit that seeks to influence the voters regionally by twisting and perverting truth. Uncover and expose the corruption. Let all confusion be removed. Lord, let your kingdom leaders stop sitting on the sidelines or helping the enemy of God’s purposes. Let a stronger grassroots movement led by kingdom leaders form as a loose coalition pressing spiritual influence upon the landscape. We decree, ‘The strategy of God is acceleration. No more confusion or hesitation created by the enemy. We enforce the mandate of God in the State of Florida. In preparation for the Roaring Twenties, God will reset the cornerstone of Florida and restore the Cornerstone strategy for Kingdom blueprints. Masonic order will be emptied of spiritual power to influence by moving its influence into humanitarian areas and draining it of witchcraft and sorcery power.’ God says, ‘The word of the Lord over Florida is more powerful than the word of Masonic cultism.’ We decree, ‘No longer will the ancient cultures hold influence over the coastlines.’ Let the ancient establishments of witchcraft that have remained in place in St Augustine, Tampa, and the Keys, that feed the demonic structures, and open doors to human, drug, and money-laundering trafficking, be uprooted, destroyed and overthrown. We decree, ‘You are targets of transformation.’” (Dr. Don Lynch, Jacksonville, Florida)
Lord, restore your judges of old in the land and restore this state according to your Kingdom blueprint for reformation and transformation. In Jesus Name, Amen.
The 70 Day Decree:
Lord God, we present ourselves unto You a living sacrifice (Romans 12:1). We acknowledge and declare that we are filled with the righteousness of God through Christ Jesus (Philippians 1:11). Your Word tells us that righteousness exalts a nation (Proverbs 14:34). We stand before You in the land You have given us, and we decree and release the righteousness of Christ into our territories, spheres of influence, our cities, states, and nation in order to bring healing, revival, awakening, and reformation to America. Father, let Your Spirit of righteousness be released and established in us, and in every place in which You have given us jurisdiction. Let Your righteous Kingdom come and Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven (Matthew 6:10)! Prepare the soil of this nation and realign us with Your righteousness! In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.