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June 5, 2017

Our King Rules Over Media

Keep decreeing into the media mountain, Saints. The shaking is having a good effect. Those who have been negative against what God is doing have intensified their mocking and verbal attack. They are being called on the carpet by their bosses and by common Americans who are realizing they are going too far. Keep using the Sword of the Lord. Keep using the authority that the Lord has given you. Keep praying for the purposes of God to come to pass. Keep releasing His government into the media realm and expect to see the course correction of the Lord.

“They will make war on the Lamb, and the Lamb will conquer them, for he is Lord of lords and King of kings, and those with him are called and chosen and faithful.” (Revelation 17:14; ESV)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

  1. Ask the Lord to continue to divide light and darkness, thought and intent of the heart, in the media mountain.

  2. Thank Him for the exposure that has already occurred and ask Him for more of the same. We don’t want to leave the job half done.

  3. Remember that He is being merciful in His exposure of wickedness. He is giving opportunities for true repentance, so that people can come to their senses and cry out to Him for salvation.

  4. Repent if you have been overly judgmental or wanting to forgive too soon. Ask God for more of His heart, if one of those things have been afflicting you.

  5. Cry out for the fear of the Lord to invade this arena of authority.

A prayer you can pray:

Father, don’t stop exposing hateful, hurtful hearts in media. Separate the darkness, so that true repentance can come! We thank You for all You have already done. We want more, Lord, until the lost are breaking down and giving their lives completely to You! May they be turned around and used for Your Kingdom purposes in this nation!  I repent for any unrighteous judgement in me, being too hard or too soft on others. I want Your perfect heart, so that my intercession lines up with Your perfect will. Keep invading the media mountain and keep me warring with You until the job is complete! Thank You, Jesus. Amen.

Today’s decree:

God’s judgement of those in media is merciful and righteous and will have a perfect effect!


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