Pray! The New Supreme Court Justice is Coming
“Have you noticed that things have changed a bit in this Nation? The old ways are toast. God is doing new things and we cannot merely repeat the old play book. If we want a new thing – then we must be willing to do a new thing. His strategy in this nomination and confirmation is fresh and we must do it His way. So, seek Him yourself. Don’t merely listen to me or others. What is He saying to you? You are His sheep, and you absolutely hear His Voice. We arrived at this moment through the grace of God and the faithful intercession of His saints. Prayer is what created this moment and prayer is what will deliver God’s Justice to the Supreme Court.” (Phillip Jauregi)1
“Then I will restore your judges as at the first, And your counselors as at the beginning; After that you will be called the city of righteousness, A faithful city.” (Isaiah 1:26; NASB)
Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:
Commit some time to pray regarding this critical national matter. We want the way completely open for the one and only right candidate!
Tell your friends to pray.
Encourage your pastors to devote time tomorrow and future Sunday services to pray for this. (You can use the prayer Phillip Jauregi provides below.)
Don’t just petition the Lord, decree and declare God’s raised-up choice to sit in that vacant seat. Decree it closed off to any other person.
Say, “Only God’s chosen person can sit in that open Supreme Court seat! It has been fashioned for only God’s sovereign choice!”
A prayer you can pray:
“Father God, as it was with the Prophet Jeremiah, so let it be with this next Supreme Court Justice. Before you formed this Justice in the womb, you knew them, you called them and appointed them to be a Justice on the U.S. Supreme Court at this moment. You know their name, their face and, most importantly, their heart. Let Your supernatural favor fall on them and light her countenance with Your Glory before President Trump and all his advisors. Let them shake their heads in amazed agreement that Your Choice is unmistakable. Let the other prospects be truly blessed in their other callings – but let them not be blessed in this. We call forth Your one appointed Justice at this moment in History. Let them – and them only – be seated on the Supreme Court in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ!”1
Today’s decree:
There is one righteous person allowed to sit in the vacant Supreme Court seat – God’s sovereign choice alone!
1 Learn more about Phillip Jauregi and Judicial Action group here.