Enjoying the Presence of God
“I enjoy reading about David and his walk with God. One thing I especially like is that David kept it real, sharing with God his most intimate thoughts. Whether he was joyful, discouraged, lonely, or on top of the world, David talked to the Lord about it. He knew God wanted to be involved in his world, and he wanted to be in God’s.” David loved to be in the Presence of God. 1
“O God, You are my God; I shall seek You earnestly; my soul thirsts for You, my flesh yearns for You, in a dry and weary land where there is no water.” (Psalm 63:1; NASB)
Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:
Read Psalm 62-64 and notice how real David was with God. Look at all of his emotions! He wasn’t religious in his communication with the Lord; he was real. Ask the Lord to help you be that real with Him if you struggle with this. He loves you!
Pour your heart out to the Lord in some area: are you joy-filled, fearful, worried, angry, disillusioned? Tell Him about it. He knows, but He wants you to know He wants to be the safest place in the world to you.
Ask the Lord to grant a grace for all Believers to be this real with God, so they can help the lost know they can be this real with Him! Such is the seed of revival. God already knows it, so go ahead and talk to Him about it.
A prayer you can pray:
Dear Lord, I am so glad you had men like David record their relationship with You, so that we could see how real we can be with you. Thank you that David held nothing back, even expressing anger and frustration at you. However, he always ends up worshipping You in the end. I want to be like that—not just a worshipper, but one who can be real with You and hear Your heart and get back on track. Let this become the hallmark of the Church, so we can show the lost how to know You this intimately, also. In the Name of Jesus, Amen.
Today’s decree:
There is a grace to be as real with God as David was and to show the lost how much He wants to know them this deeply, as well!
1 Dutch Sheets, The Pleasure of His Company (Bethany House Publishers, Bloomington, MN, 2014) 169.