Movement is Happening Now
[The following Word of the Lord was released by Chuck Pierce Sunday, 7/5/20.]
“The Lord says, ‘What has been stalled out is beginning to start moving. Watch the movement this week. For things that have not been moving will move. And what had the hands of My clock stuck, I have now blown down from heaven and have caused the hands of the clock that was stalled out to start moving. Hear the ticking of My time.’
“‘Face My enemies in My time and My place and face them with the whirlwind on the ground. As you begin to move, let the movement of your sound make a wave that the enemy will flee seven different ways from. Leave the booty at the door.’
“When Israel gets up every day they know they have to go to war. Let me tell you something. We have got to shift our mindset. We have to know things are changing around us. Things are rearranging around us. There are interjections coming into your life. Do you know what that means? Exclamation points all of a sudden are going to show up in your daily life! You are going to have to determine how to move with that exclamation point. I say the announcement of heaven is saying today to us, ‘Times have changed. Get in the movement that I choose for you.’”
“The Lord answered, ‘If you have raced on foot against men and they have worn you out, how will you be able to compete with horses? And if you feel secure only in safe and open country, how will you manage in the thick undergrowth along the Jordan River?’” (Jeremiah 12:5; NET)
Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:
Thank the Lord for the prophets that help us keep moving when we get spiritually or emotionally stuck, confused, or afraid.
Are you stuck? If so, this is a good time to press into the Lord to get things moving forward in your personal circumstances.
Ask the Lord to give you wisdom and discernment to know if a movement is your movement to move forward with.
Intercede for your church. Many are in a stuck place right now, unsure of how to move forward. If you are an unstuck leader, call other leaders in your area and minister hope to them. Maybe you can provide some thoughts on how you can minister to your community together.
Declare, “God, let the scary, shocking moments happening around us motivate us to action. Do not let them confuse us and freeze us in our tracks. Our mouths must open in wisdom and declaration, creating hope for a future, not fear and confusion!”
Say, “We will get in the movement God has chosen for us!”
Decree, “The Church of America will align and find their place of movement forward!”
A prayer you can pray:
Father, we are so thankful for the gift that the prophets give to us. They are able to see and hear into the spiritual realm. They can hear You. They can understand Your heart and thoughts on current affairs and communicate them to the Church. Where would we be in this era without their helpful voices? Lord, we pray that You continue to speak the way forward to them. Tell us what You are doing that the enemy is trying to stop. Let them help us focus on what You are saying is the way forward for the nation.
We know that how this nation aligns with Israel right now is critical! It is hard for many American Christians to understand how critical that alignment is. It is a primary reason the United States has been so favored by You. We want to keep that relationship properly aligned, Lord. We need to follow Your heart and Your covenant promises given to Israel in order to navigate our nation’s way forward.
There are many movements rising right now. There are racial movements and political movements. There are national movements and spiritual movements. We need to know what our movement forward is to look like and align with You in that movement. God, let the scary, shocking moments happening around us motivate us to act in the way You want us to act. Do not let them confuse us and freeze us in our tracks. Don’t let us embrace a movement that You are not in. Indeed, there are anti-Christ movements arising. We must find Your movement, and we must not be silent. Our mouths must open in wisdom and declaration, creating hope for a future, not fear and confusion! We declare, “The Church of America will align and find our place of movement forward!” We will create the future of America by our humble intercession and acts of love, unity, and kindness in Jesus’ name, amen.
Today’s decree:
We will move the Kingdom forward in our realms of influence!