A Victory For Life!
All charges in Texas were dropped against David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt of the Center for Medical Progress (CMP)! Last year, David and Sandra released very damaging undercover videos that showed Planned Parenthood executives callously discussing the selling of aborted babies’ body parts. They thought Daleiden and Merritt were buyers. A grand jury in Texas was convened to consider charges against Planned Parenthood, but filed charges against Daleiden and Merritt instead. David and Sandra say they are not done exposing Planned Parenthood with hopes that action will eventually be taken against the organization.
“The Lord will keep you from all harm—he will watch over your life; the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.” (Psalm 121:7-8; NIV)
Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:
Celebrate Life and the Life-giver! Tell the Lord that you choose life!
Thank the Lord for David and Sandra’s boldness and strategic use of their gifts to battle abortion. Intercede for them for a while.
Bring Planned Parenthood before the Judge of the Earth, the Lord of Life, Jesus Christ, and ask Him to righteously judge the organization and end abortion in America.
A prayer you can pray:
Dear Lord, we celebrate Life today! We choose Life today! We thank You that You are the Giver of Life and the One that we look to for daily direction of our lives. We thank You that David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt took the gifts You have given them and used them to expose the darkness. The darkness fought back, but You are true to Your Word and You have delivered them. Eternal Judge, we ask that You would judge Planned Parenthood with righteous judgement and that earthly judges would follow suit. End abortion in America Lord Jesus! Amen.
Today’s decree:
I choose Life for America!