Heavenly Decrees Over the USA
“On a recent morning as I sat with the Lord, I felt the invitation from His heart to join with Him in what He is decreeing over this nation. I kept hearing the words, ‘Take your place in HEAVENLY DECREE.’ Use your words over this nation wisely. Despite the awful darkness and tragedy that has taken place, lift your eyes higher. There is going to be some great shaking in the United States, but the Church is rising up. The Lord is calling His people to take their place. To arise and shine and to come against this darkness. I felt the heart of God to decree what He is speaking and keep decreeing it until it is SEEN and MANIFESTED in the natural. The heart of God is to bring HIS perfect, heavenly JUSTICE full of love into the United States of America.” (Lana Vawser)1
“Arise, shine; for your light has come, And the glory of the LORD has risen upon you.” (Isaiah 60:1; NASB)
Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:
We all know that the power of death and life are in the tongue, but we sure don’t always act like it. Repent if you have spoken doubt, unbelief or death over the United States.
Get a piece of paper out and ask the Lord to give you ten faith-filled decrees that you can make daily over the nation. (Go back and look through the GH15 content and get them from there if you have to!)
Open up your Bible to Psalm 61. See yourself joining the Lord and decree His Word! Decree the entire Psalm over yourself and the nation. Find other passages of scripture you can decree each day.
A prayer you can pray:
Lord, forgive me when what is in my thoughts has come out of my mouth. My words betray my lack of faith in Your mercy and justice. Remind me of Your plan for this nation and shift my words to decrees of life over my nation! Wait a minute…let me get a piece of paper to write down God thoughts to decree. Now, Lord, I stand with You and decree Psalm 61 over myself and the nation! Help me to do this every day until I see revival in America! In Jesus’ Name, amen.
Today’s decree:
“The heart of God is to bring HIS perfect, heavenly JUSTICE full of love into the United States of America!”1
1 Learn more about Lana Vawser here.