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July 12, 2019

Honoring America’s Warriors

“America’s fearless resolve has inspired heroes who defined our national character.

“It has willed our warriors up mountains and across minefields. It has liberated continents, split the atom, and brought tyrants and empires to their knees.

“Here with us this evening is Earl Morse. After retiring from the Air Force, Earl worked at a VA hospital in Ohio. Earl found that many World War II veterans could not afford to visit their memorial on the National Mall. So Earl began the very first ‘Honor Flights,’ that have now brought over 200,000 World War II heroes to visit America’s monument. Earl, thank you. We salute you.

“Our warriors form a hallowed roll call of American patriots, running all the way back to the first souls who fought and won American independence. Today, just as it did 243 years ago, the future of American freedom rests on the shoulders of men and women willing to defend it. We are proudly joined tonight by heroes from each branch of the U.S. Armed Forces, including three recipients of the Congressional Medal of Honor. Thank you.

“They, and thousands before us, served with immense distinction, and they loved every minute of that service.” (President Donald J. Trump; Salute to America)

“Blessed be the Lord, my rock, who trains my hands for war, and my fingers for battle.” (Psalm 144:1; ESV)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

  1. Warfare is a common theme in the Bible. Do a quick study in Joshua 6 (Jericho), Joshua 7 and 8 (Ai – a battle lost), Judges 7 through 8:21 (Gideon’s battle), 1 Samuel 17 (David and Goliath), and Revelation 19:11-21 (Armageddon).

  2. Note in the passages above why God put them in the eternal record of the Word.

  3. Today, our battle is not against flesh and blood, but powers and principalities in heavenly places. We do spiritual battle in prayer and intercession. Read Ephesians 6 to remind yourself of this.

  4. Earthly armies have a necessary purpose in any government. They keep the people safe by routing threatening foreign armies. Thank the Lord for them!

  5. Call for the armies of the U.S.A. and the intercession of the Church to press through together for a full routing of the enemies of God and America’s future.

  6. Bless men and women, like former Air Force medic, Earl Morse, for their care and concern for the veterans who have fought for our freedom, from World War II to modern battlefields.

A prayer you can pray:

Lord, war is a terrible necessity. No one loves it, but many understand that it is sometimes the only way for evil to be stopped. In order for our general populace to be safe and for our society to continue, we need brave soldiers on the battlefields. Your Word shows us examples of wars fought with purpose. They were fought to gain God-given territory, to back off threatening enemies, to show forth Your Glory and power to the enemies of freedom, and to stop demonic activity threatening total global annihilation in its tracks. You have raised up an army of intercessors in Your Church. We are those who partner with You and intercede, even as our earthly soldiers fight hard against real enemies. We in the Spirit, and they in the natural, keep the enemies of our nation and the earth at bay. Lord, let us press in together to keep the world free from tyranny. May we stop the demonic realm from adjusting the timeline You have laid out in Your Word. We bless those, like Earl Morse, who notice and honor those soldiers who have given the best of their lives to serve in the United States’ armed forces. We are so thankful for all who have served. God, bless them and God, bless America! In the Name of Jesus, amen.

Today’s decree:

“We honor the men and women willing to defend the honor of America.”


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