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January 22, 2019

Streams of Blood Filled With Injustice

At the Chattanooga “Giants Will Fall” gathering, I had Will Ford, Matt Lockett and a Native American pastor friend of mine from Arizona gather together around Will’s family kettle. That kettle would serve as a touch point for intercession. If you don’t know the story of the kettle, go here. I had seen this moment in a vision. It is very pertinent today. Matt Lockett began the intercession. “There was a man who had a vision a number of years ago in D.C. He said, ‘I saw three rivers of blood flowing into the United States Capitol. One was bloodshed of injustice toward the Native American. One was bloodshed toward the African. One was the injustice done toward the baby in the womb. I saw people praying and they were cutting off those streams of blood fueling the demonization of the culture.’” Understand that much of the chaos we are seeing in the nation today is because the injustices from these streams of blood have not been fully cut off. The enemy is clearly still empowered to try to move in these rivers to cause chaos in this nation. There is a lot of money involved to keep abortion intact as an institution in this nation. There is also strong political value to keeping the races separate from one another.  Injustices against the Native American have yet to be resolved in any significant manner. We had better get serious about dealing with these injustices through intercession, even fasting and prayer. We must take purposeful, positive actions meant to bring healing to this nation. (You can see this powerful moment here at the 2:57:30 marker.)

“There are six things that the Lord hates, seven that are an abomination to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among brothers.” (Proverbs 6:16-19; ESV)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

  1. Step into the gap on behalf of the injustices done to the Native American, African American, and the unborn. Identificationally repent and forgive, as the Lord leads. Use the scripture above to help you.

  2. Cut off the flow of innocent blood shed.

  3. Intercede for those in the Capitol, our U.S. Senators and members of the House of Representatives. Pray for an end to the political fighting at the expense of U.S. citizens. Call for them to work together, now, to solve this nation’s current problems.

  4. Say, “Peace! Be still!” to the chaos in our government.

A prayer you can pray:

We ask You to intervene in America, God. Forgive the sins of the past and the sins of the present. We repent. Cut off the flow of blood. Cut off the flow of injustice.  Cut off the curses and the sins of the past. Cut off the fueling of the demonization in this country. We call for a holy intervention. Forgive us for the shedding of innocent blood, which has now cost us over 60 million U.S. citizens lost through abortion. Forgive us for forgetting about our first nations people. Reveal Your Son to them. Heal the pain, any bitterness, and the effects of unforgiveness over many generations. Bind us together with them through cords of love that cannot be torn asunder, in the name of Jesus. Let freedom ring across the reservations and across the first nations people. Forgive our culture for continuing to treat African Americans as pawns in political and financial games. Let us treat one another the way we want and expect to be treated. Make us one, even as You are One. Let Believers in governmental positions rise up to take the lead to right these wrongs. May they recognize the spirits behind the chaotic activities, rivalries and jealousies. May our President and Congressmen and women wake up and work together, before the nation falls apart! Thank you, Jesus. Amen.

Today’s decree:

The prayers of the saints will heal injustices committed against the Native American, the African American and the unborn! Government chaos, cease!


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