Fresh Air
I hope you had a good Christmas and hope that you have a happy and blessed New Year!
I always find the words sent by my brother, Tim, to be encouraging and instructive. This one, however, is exceptionally edifying. As the title suggests, it speaks of refreshing breath from Holy Spirit, and it also speaks of the Father’s great plans for 2023. You’ll be encouraged. Tim shares:
“We are in amazing supernatural times in which new plans from the Godhead have begun to manifest. In many ways last year set the table prophetically for our future. Prophetic words from the past received fresh emphasis and have begun to activate. I recently heard Holy Spirit say, ‘It is time for God-happenings, thousands of Kingdom events will occur.’
“We are moving into a season of great God-planned events, aided by angelic assistance. The King’s Ekklesia has begun functioning at higher levels of our Kingdom’s authority, and the Kingdom of Christ is expanding in its influence.
“I have been pondering, praying and asking for revelation regarding 2023. Holy Spirit reminded me of past prophecies and promises given to the heirs of God, His sons and daughters. I believe we are moving into a time when great victories will be seen in the individual lives of Kingdom heirs. Great breakthroughs will activate in the lives of God’s family members who declare ownership of His promises. Greater inheritance benefits will be received by those heirs.
“A Kingdom shift in the spiritual atmosphere will make it easier to receive inheritance blessings from the Father. We are moving into a time of blessing, refreshing, and strengthening for the children of God. He wants us strong and courageous, well able to live our lives in joy and gladness as functioning citizens of His Kingdom - occupying and carrying out God’s family business until Christ returns.
“As I was praying into this, I received a prophetic download from Holy Spirit. He said, ‘The heirs will begin to breathe fresh air. For fresh resurrection breath, even now, is being breathed by the Father on the sons and daughters. Emotions will resurrect. Feelings will resurrect. Minds will resurrect. Physical bodies bound by spirits of infirmity, disease and all manner of sicknesses will resurrect. Those living skeletal lives of existence will resurrect. Those plagued by demonic fatigue will resurrect. Broken hearts will resurrect. Fresh air is being breathed upon the heirs. They shall breathe fresh air.’
“‘As in the Exodus of old, says the Lord, the children of God in this hour, moving into the new days, will not be decrepit. They will not be feeble or worn out ‘has-beens.’ Even old age will not define them - it didn’t define Abraham, Sarah, Moses, Joshua, or Caleb. And it will not define My heirs! I have deliverers rising in all age groups, young and old, male and female.
“‘My children are coming out of bondage. There will not be lack in their homes. There will not be hopelessness in their dwellings. There will not be the oppressive grip of present-day pharaohs on them or their children. There will not be the sweat of fear upon their brow. They will not march to the menacing drums of cultural evils or the feral voices of evil politicians.
“‘They will live in resurrection life, resurrection power. They will breathe the breath of life, the fresh air of heaven. They will experience anointings and angelic assistance to live as My family ought to live, says the Lord, a family serving joyfully and triumphantly in the dynasty of their Father. Heirs serving as joint-heirs with Christ. Yes, fresh air is blowing from the mountain of God, the fresh air of Heaven into His sons and daughters. The life of the Father will surely be in them and will surely be seen through them.’”
Tim says, “There is purpose behind all the prophetic words we have been given. Prophetic words are given to prepare us for assignments, assignments that lead us to supernatural victories. God’s words are given in order that we may use them as prayer strategies and faith declarations. The remnant is now going to begin to live out these prophetic words. They are no longer futuristic; they’re for this moment.
“A supernatural shift has occurred to prepare us for 2023, a supernatural year in which God’s plans will manifest in our lives individually, corporately, and nationally. We will also now begin the implementation of spiritual warfare plans that will continue into the future, year after year gaining in strength and power.
“God’s heirs are being strengthened for this supernatural mission. In 1 Timothy 1:18 (Voice Translation), Paul said ‘Timothy, my dear son, I am placing before you a charge for the mission ahead. It is in total agreement with the prophecies once spoken.’
“There is a mission before us that aligns with prophetic words Holy Spirit has given. He is issuing a charge to His heirs to rise and merge with the armies of the Lord, accomplishing this mission. It is a demon-defeating, stronghold-demolishing, uprooting mission against Baal and his indoctrination of evil. And the mission will be triumphant! The One who sees the end from the beginning has pre-decreed our victory.
“The moment has come for the sons and daughters of God to receive times of refreshing and be filled with power from on high. Be encouraged and strengthened. We are in an era of supernatural movements on the earth. Great, bold, fearless warriors are rising, anointed by the Holy Spirit. The world will begin to see the curtains being pulled back, revealing a glorious church without spot or wrinkle, just as God’s Word says.
“Hear this final word of the Lord: ‘New levels of Authority will now be seen in My Kingdom. The weak will say, “I am strong,” the lost will say, “I am found.” Captives will say, “I am free.” The sick will say, “I am healed.” Prodigals will say, “I’m going home.” Hopeless sons and daughters will declare, “I am filled with hope and am alive again,” says the Lord. The addict will say, “My chains are gone.” The blind will say, “I can see.” The deaf will say, “I can hear”. The cripples will say, “I can run,” says the Lord. Let the God-planned waves of revival build. These movements now begin.’”
Tim concludes by exhorting us: “Receive what God is saying for this coming year. He is infusing supernatural strength to His heirs and outpourings of the Holy Spirit will liberate dreams, destinies, callings and purpose in our individual lives. Breathe in the fresh air and let Him give you resurrection life.”
Pray with me:
Father, we find ourselves as a generation of believers navigating uncharted waters. Like Joshua of old, we’ve not been this way before. And yet, like Esther, we were born for this time. We know You never call without equipping, and You never send without leading. We anchor ourselves in the Rock of Ages, standing on and declaring Your promises. We decree over 2023, “Kingdom of Christ, manifest in our lives, homes, businesses and nations!”
Lord, we bless and thank You for Your words. We say “amen” to them and ask You to activate us in this prophetic moment. Cause us to be functioning heirs in functioning Ekklesias. Breathe fresh breath and wind upon us. Breathe it in our homes and churches. Breathe resurrection life into Your people. Thank You for the promises You have given us.
We decree that demonic fatigue is leaving the people of God. We decree that sickness and disease must go in the Name of Jesus. We decree that fear bows at Your Name. We declare a Kingdom shift is occurring in the atmosphere. Thank You for moving us into supernatural waves of Holy Spirit outpouring, movements that will not be stopped. May we breathe the very air of Heaven.
Our decree:
We decree that our spirits are renewed every day, and that this life from God is flowing into our souls and bodies, rejuvenating and renewing.
Click on the link below to watch the full video.
Today’s post was contributed by my brother, Tim Sheets. You can learn more about Tim at